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Q: If you blew a 020 on breathalyzer What is that mean?
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If you blew a 002 on breathalyzer What is that mean?

that you are not legally drunk

What does blew mean?

In police 'slang' it refers to the act of blowing into the Breathalyzer to collect a sample of your exhaled breath of alcohol analysis (i.e.- He "blew" a point one oh.")

What should you do if you blew a 9.5 on a breathalyzer?

Pick out a casket with a silk barf bag!

The runaway train came down the track and she blew blew blew?

"BLEW" AS IN THE SONG "RUNAWAY TRAIN CAME DOWN THE TRACK AND SHE BLEW" pre-dates any breathalyzer connection. Surely, it means the (train) boiler blew...

What is blew it?

If the questioner is asking a question in reference to Breathalyzer tests - - - the slang term "blew" refers to the reading of the blood/alcohol content recorded by the machine. It is usaully represented in readings of 100ths of 1 gram.

What does blew it mean?

Awnswer : blew it mean ruining . grammar example ; i really blew it !!!

Can drinking an energy drink cause a false breathalyzer reading?

Absolutely they can. I have a breathalyzer in my car from a DUI and it registered after drinking a 180 Energy drink. I have a police issue breathalyzer I use to see what my BAC is before I attempt to start my car. I just tried an experiment. I blew a 0.000 then took a drink of a Rockstar Juiced Mango and Orange passion fruit. I immediately blew again and registered a 2.68 on my breathalyzer. After a drink of water I registered a 0.000, so do not drink an energy drink and then try to blow. Wait a minute or two, or drink a glass of water to clear from your system.

What does the idiom blew it mean?

You blew it means you failed.

What is 020 as a fraction?

You don't have a decimal point. If you mean 0.20, then that is 2/10 = 1/5. If you mean .020, then that is 2/100 = 1/50

If propylene glycol is used as windshield washer anti-freeze will it set off a car breathalyzer meter?

It is used in toothpaste and YES, I confirmed it, I blew .11 BAC right after brushing.

Can you blow into a breathalyzer more than once?

Police Officers can make you blow into the device again if they think you weren't blowing hard enough.Probably not if you already blew above a .08 BAC.

Is there alcohol in Mouth rinse?

I think it does because i have a breathalyzer and a blew a 0.01%bac after brushing my teeh with aquafresh. I tested it before i brush my teeth it was 0.00%bac. I havent had a drink in about a week!