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The puppies are mutts. Not the dogs who breed together. Unless of course their birth parents are mutts, then they are. But if you bred a dog that was pure bred, with a different breed of pure bred, then the puppies would be considered mutts. Not pure bred.

Another answer:The offspring of two different purebred dogs are crossbreeds, not mutts. "Mutt," like the word "mongrel," implies a dog of indeterminate breeding; in other words, it's lineage is so mixed you can't tell what it is.
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Q: If you breed 2 different breeds of dogs aren't they mutts?
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Related questions

Are mutts betterr then pure breed?

I believe that mutts are better than pure breeds because they tend to have less health problems and are also smarter that some pure breeds. I have 2 dogs who are mutts and they are the best part of my life.

How many breed of dogs is there in the world?

There are over 150 breeds registered with the American Kennel Club, and that doesn't include every breed in the world, which includes mutts and dogs that aren't yet registered!

How many different kinds of dogs do veterinarians work with?

The American Kennel Club currently recognizes approximately 250 different pure breeds of dogs, so veterinarians work with at least that many. In addition, veterinarians work with cross-breeds (such as Labradoodles and other designer crosses) and mixed breed dogs (often referred to as mutts). Basically, if it is a domestic dog, a veterinarian can examine and treat it.

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Mostly pure-breed dogs don't have many problems, so dogs like Boston Terriers and Pit bulls wouldn't have as many problems as mix breeds and mutts.

Can a 5 month maltipoo get a female poodle pregnant?

PLEASE DO NOT create more mixed breed dogs on purpose!! Shelters are already full of them.(And no, you can NOT "make a lot of money" breeding mutts!)

Why are mutts smarter than purebreds?

Pure-breds are selectively bred for various features like size or shape or ear-size or face-shape etc. This process usually involves a lot of in-breeding, changing the genome more and more from the original. A mutt has genes from more than one breed and is therefore geneticly closer to ancestral non-domesticated dogs. (It's more wolf-like). To survive in the wild a wolf needs a certain amount of intelegence, hence mutts are usually smarter than pure-breds.The exception of course is those breeds bred for heightened intelligence, like most breeds bred for sheep-herding.

How do you know your dog is a mutt?

Mutts are dogs that have been bread from two different types of dogs. For example a pug and a beagle equals a puggle. So technically a puggle is a mutt. But people call stray dogs mutts just because they are scavengers and what not.

What Breeds are suited for mating withAustralian Shepherd?

An Australian Shepherd. Mutts are worth nothing.

Why are people so in to mutts?

Many people like mutts for a dog because they can make cute and interesting looking dogs. Many mutts have a great temperament. Also, many mutts are looked over for more prestigious breeds, so many people who rescue dogs have a special spot in their hearts and homes for mutts.

What is the breed of a kitten that is black white and brown?

Because of crossbreeding in many cats are simply identified as belonging to the homogeneous breeds of domestic longhair and domestic shorthair depending on their type of fur. Most cats are simply "mutts."

Where do mutts come from?

They are two breeds of dogs mixed together. they don't come from a specific place

Are mutt's more money then full breed?

No. Mutts are less because they are normally harder to train and easier to breed.