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Q: If you burn paper is it physical change?
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Is cutting a circle out of a piece of paper a chemical change?

No. It is a physical change because there is no change in the chemical composition of the paper. If you were to burn the paper, that would be a chemical change called combustion, which would turn the paper into carbon dioxide and water, with the release of heat.

How can you physically change a piece of paper?

In order to change the physical properties of an object, one must alter the 'format' of an object. An alteration of the physical properties is only a shift in the way an object can be described, not in the chemical composition of the product. In context a piece of paper could have its physical properties changed by being burned, being shredded, or by being submerged in water.

Is folding paper a physical change or a chemical change?


Is tearing a paper a chemical or a physical change?

Tearing paper represents a physical and not a chemical change. Chemical bonds are not broken in this instance, but paper is physically separated (by force) from other paper.

Is cutting a paper physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change because it is still a sheet of paper.

Is folding paper physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change as the paper is still paper after you fold it.

Is tearing a piece of paper in half a physical change?

tearing a piece of paper is a physical change because when you rip it,it is still a piece of paper but lets say that u burn a piece of paper its a chemical change couse you cant change it back to wood again

Is a burning paper a chemical reaction?

Yes it is a chemical change because when you burn paper it cannot be reversed. If it had been a physical change then you would have been able to reverse what you have done to the paper, by turning it back to its original state.

tearing a piece of paper in half physical or chemical change?

Physical change

Is Burning wood is an example of physical change.?

I think you mean "Is burning a paper a physical change?" Burning a paper is not a physical change. It is a chemical change. Because you can't turn the ashes of the paper into a normal paper again. Examples of physical change: Cutting a paper, sharpening a pencil, writing on a paper... Examples of chemical change: Rotten egg, Rusted steel, molded bread...

Is folding a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change as the paper is still paper after you fold it.

Is crumpling a sheet a paper a physical or chemical change?

Well because the paper is flat and when you crumple it, it is changing and getting wrinkly and in a crumpled form,