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I had sex a week after my period and he didnt use a codom and told me he did he also told me he cumed 4 times in me dose that mean im peregnant and i took a peregnant test a week after and a week befor my period is that a sign and the home peregntancy said no im not peregnant did i wait to soon to check

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Q: If you conceive a week after your period how soon can you notice pregnancy symptoms?
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What month of pregnancy could possible the pregnancy symptoms starts?

well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.

When will the symptoms of pregnancy start?

Pregnancy symptoms can occur as early as a few days after conception. The majority of women begin experiencing symptoms just after their missed period. Some women don't experience anything until well into their pregnancy. Everyone is different. Those that have been actively trying to conceive may notice symptoms earlier than those that haven't been. Having no symptoms in early pregnancy does not indicate there is a problem with the pregnancy - just enjoy it whilst it lasts. symptoms include: Sore breasts / tender nipples, Headache, frequent urination, mood swings, constipation, bloated and gassy, fatigue, Nausea, vomiting, darkening of the areola.

What are some pregnancy symptoms and signs?

Pregnancy signs and symptoms are different from person to person. Of course, a missed menstrual period is a major sign. Some women notice breast tenderness and feelings of nausea as well.

Is a period during pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms hereditary?

A period during pregnancy is not hereditary however it is never a normal period. It's simply a light period or vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy symptoms are not hereditary. Every woman will experience different pregnancy symptoms and the same woman may have different symptoms in different pregnancies. There are things that go on during pregnancy which can be symptomatic and hereditary, but these are separate from the symptoms which indicate pregnancy.

What is the Best Time to Conceive for pregnancy?

i read in a book that the best time to conceive is 2 days before the start of your period.

How soon after intercourse do you notice pregnancy signs?

Most fertility experts will tell you that you won't have any pregnancy signs or symptoms until the embryo implants in the uterus. This can happen about the time you miss your period but for most women, pregnancy signs & symptoms will not kick in noticeably until you are 6 weeks pregnant (about 2 weeks after you miss your period). Some women don't have any pregnancy signs or symptoms except for a missed period! Anecdotally, many women who have posted on the internet & have discussed pregnancy signs & symptoms will tell you that they knew right away or a few days before their periods were due. If you are very in tune with your body, you may notice small changes right away. However, remember, most of the early pregnancy signs & symptoms are very similar to premenstrual symptoms and it is often difficult to know the difference until you miss a period.

Do you have to miss a period to have pregnancy symptoms?


Could you possibly be 3 months pregnant if you had no symptoms?

It is possible to be pregnant if you are still having your period. Its not unheard of for women not to notice until they are well into the pregnancy.

What if you have no symptoms of fregnant and you notice you have 3 month no period?

Some women do not have strong pregnancy symptoms. You may want to take a pregnancy test and plan a visit to your doctor for a pelvic exam.

Can pregnancy be detected before a missed period?

Depends on timing. If your period finished a day ago, you have a whole month to find out, but if it's been three weeks since you had your period, you'll notice the absence before the symptoms. 

Are diarrhea and menstrual like cramps an early sign of pregnancy two weeks prior to your period?

The luteal phase after ovulation is typically two weeks long on average. So two weeks prior to your period lines up with ovulation when it is possible to conceive. It is unlikely to have any symptoms of pregnancy two weeks before your period. Good luck!

Will vaginal becomes some how loose after missed period is that a pregnancy symptom?

This is not a symptoms of pregnancy.