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Q: If you corner a possum will he bite you?
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Should you pat a possum?

It is unlikely the possum will let you, but even if it does, the answer is "no". The possum could easily bite you, and they are known harbourers of both fleas and ticks.

Is a possum scared of people?

yes but they will bite if cornered

Has a possum ever been known to bite a human?

Oh my yes. If you corner one they will bite to get away. They have very sharp teeth and know how to use them. mostly they use there claws as they are more affective and are rasor sharp but the mouth is always an option

Do possums bite?

True possums of Australia do not bite. They may scratch in self-defence or if cornered, but will spend their time avoiding people or domestic pets wherever possible. Many people call "opossums" by the name "possums". Regarding these animals, if they get the chance and feel the need, they will bite. Circumstances under which they will bite will be only in defence, if they feel threatened. DO NOT approach, annoy, provoke, touch, or otherwise fiddle with a wild possum. They are not cuddly, they are wild animals and will hurt you very badly if you try to pick them up. There is no concern about rabies in possums. True possums, which are found in Australia, cannot carry rabies, as there is no rabies in that country or in New Zealand, to which the possum has been introduced. There are confirmed cases of North American Opossums infected with rabies, but these incidents are exceedingly rare.

Do possum kill you?

They Can! <><><><> The possum is a small scavenger. It is highly, extremely unlikely they would kill a person. If you hurt or scared one, it would bite you- it is their only defense. First it would be likely to "play dead" and hope you would go away.

What should you feed a possom?

Australian possums, such as the Brush Tail Possum; eat fruit, insects, gum tree sap and nectar. I've got a Brush Tail Possum who regularly visits me and I feed it apples and it likes them. Other people have feed this friendly possum; bread, citrus, grapes and meat pie Personally, even though the possum ate these foods, I wouldn't suggest feeding it to it because it's not a healthy diet for possums and it's not natural. You wouldn't find processed bread in a tree would you?? Or meat pie...Even though the possum is Australian, it doesn't mean it has to eat meat pie...lolz. Hope this helps, have fun feeding the possum. P.S. Don't get too close to the possum when feeding it, because it could possibly bite you and they have a nasty bite. If you do by any chance get biten, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Do opossums bite?

A possum bite is not usually considered dangerous. There teeth are sharp and will break the skin, it is probably best to let a doctor look at it to be sure you do not need a rabies or tetnus shot though.

What does possum mean?

you possum.

What is Georgia's state possum?

Georgia's state possum is the POGO possum

Where is the Gullah Woodturning in Early Branch South Carolina located?

The address of the Gullah Woodturning is: 6818 Possum Corner Rd, Early Branch, SC 29916

I have possums on my property and I want to be able to make them pets. Will a possum bite when approached by a human?

if felt threatened they will play dead if that doesnt work they will switch to attack mode

What is a hamster defense?

It depends on the hamsters temperament. Most hamsters will run and hide, but if backed into a corner they will bite. Other hamsters will just bite right away.