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The small intestine is typically around 20 to 24 feet or about six meters long. It lies below the stomach in the middle of the abdomen, and much of it is coiled and suspended within a thin layer of fat to allow it flexibility and mobility. Also called the small bowel, it is composed of three distinct sections: the duodenum connects the stomach to the rest of the small intestine and is about 25 centimeters (0.25m) long. The jejunum is the central section and is anywhere from 1 to 2 meters long. The ilium bridges the jejunum and the large intestine and is 2 to 3 meters long.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Your Ans. is this that ,

Our Intestine is about 9m long & in this small intestine comprises of 6m & if we will streteched it wiil be approx 7 to 8m.

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12y ago

about 5 feet

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14y ago

About 21 feet

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12y ago

30 ft

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20 feet

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2 feet

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Q: If you could stretch out your small intestine how long would it be?
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How long small intestine can be stretch?

AnswerHuman small intestine is about 7m. but when stretched out could go around the world, theoretically of course.

How many small intestines stretch the length of the equator?

Approximately 70,000 small intestines would stretch the length of the equator, as the average small intestine in an adult human is about 20 feet long.

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The small intestine absorbs digested food into the blood.

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The small intestine absorbs nutrients before material reaches the large intestine. So the antibiotic would be absorbed.

Where is most of our food absorbed?

It would be the Small Intestine

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What intestine absorbs nutrients and electrolytes?

That would be the small intestine. It's got a huge amount of surface area for absorbing those nutrients as food passes by before reaching the large intestine, which basically works to absorb leftover water.

How long does the large intestine stretch?

About 1.5 meters in length.

What will happen if no small intestine?

Without a small intestine, the body would not be able to properly digest and absorb nutrients from food. This would lead to malnutrition, weight loss, and overall poor health. Additionally, without the small intestine to absorb water, severe dehydration can occur.

What to do if your mum or dad buys you a pair of shoes too small and says you have to wear them?

You could find the receipt and return it for others secretly, or you could wear them and they should stretch. I am unsure if placing them in hot water would stretch them, so if they really don't fit, you could look into that.

If a tape measure could be run along the equator how many miles would it stretch?

It would stretch for 24,901.55 miles.

What would happen if the small intestine does not work properly?

you would not be able to obsorb nutrients.