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I would think the apple would be rotten. I've never seen the inside of an apple that is naturally brown when cut open unless it was rotten.

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Q: If you cut into an apple and it's spotted brown is it rotten?
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How long till an apple in air turns brown?

If it is a whole apple it will go rotten after about a week, but if it is cut it will only take a couple hours to go brown

Putting lemon juice on a piece of cut apple will?

Help prevent the cut apple from turning that nasty brown color.

Are peaches that do not look bruised but are brown inside rotten?

Yes, they have rotten areas, but the part that is unaffected is fine to eat. It is important to cut out the brown parts immediately or the rot will quickly spread. Robin in Florida

Can duckings eat apples?

Ducklings can eat apples if the apple is rotten or if you cut the apple in to small pieces that are quite mushy. Ducklings love strawberries well mine do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What cause the discolouration in apples?

Brown streaks may very likely be caused by the larvae of the Apple Maggot.

What would happen to an apple that was cut and left out on the counter for an hour?

It starts to get brown and soft

Is an apple turning into apple juice a chemical change?

No, it would be a chemical if someone cut open a apple and left it on a table for 20 minutes then coming back and the apple being brown.

An apple turning brown after being cut is an example of what chemisttry change?

the inside of the apple oxidizing or throwing it into the fire

Why does your apple smoothie go brown when left in fridge?

i think it is because when you leave an apple that has been cut open it reacts with the air. the apple in your smoothie has reacted with the air and gone brown. it should be ok to drink but it depends on how long it has been in your fridge for.

Is darkening of cut apple physical change?

It's a chemical change because the apple is oxidizing. It turns brown, because of the oxygen, hence the word " oxidizing".

What won't turn the apple brown?

I assume you are asking how to prevent a cut apple from oxidizing, or turning brown from contact with the air. Firstly, don't cut it before you need it...the longer it is exposed, the more chance for oxidization. Secondly, you can coat the exposed apple surfaces with lemon juice. Place the cut pieces in a Ziplock bag, add lemon juice, and shake gently to coat. The juice will inhibit oxidization. Thirdly, keep any cut apple pieces in an air-tight container to limit their exposure.

Do mangoes turn brown when cut?

Mangoes tend to stay the same color when cut. If you cut them and do not eat them immediately or store them properly they may discolor slightly, but not on the same level as an apple.