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Q: Can you switch from aspirin to Tylenol in the same day?
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Can you take prevacid if you are allergic to aspirin?

No,I don't think you should,you might have a reaction,like, hard to breath??

What are the numbers on a Vicodin caplet?

Vicodin is an opiate analgesic compound drug, and has 2 primary components, Hydrocodone, and Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Tylenol and Aspirin are very common combinations with opiates, though aspirin is used less than Tylenol for longer term patients. The lower number on the pill indicates the amount of Hydrocodone in milligrams; the larger number is the amount of Tylenol in the caplet, in milligrams. It's extremely important to note the Tylenol dosage in the caplet if you're taking OTC Tylenol at the same time to augment the Vicodin to help your pain levels. You must take into account the total dosage amount of Tylenol in your system over a 24 hour period so you don't exceed the daily limit, which has been lowered from 4 to 3 grams per day.

How many milligrams in 10 grains of Tylenol?

Apothecary measurements used grains, which measured (1 grain = 65mg), for all other medications, excluding Aspirin which is the same as Tylenol. Therefore, 10 grains of Tylenol is 650mg. This turns out to be one maximum strength Tylenol pill. Nelson final year nursing student.

What is the dosage for Tylenol pain pills?

Tylenol is simply the brand name,but it's a non-aspirin product,so why would you take both? I wouldn't recomend using both. You can alternate,though. Always follow the direction on the bottle as liver damage can occur with too much non-aspirin products.

Are there side effects of taking ADVIL daily?

Taking Advil, since it is an aspirin regimen, can lower your risk of heart disease and heart attack. However, Advil isn't the best or the safest aspirin regimen to take. If you insist of taking an aspirin regimen every day, I would recommend Bayer aspirin regimen. But other than that, there are no really serious side effects. However, do not take an aspirin regimen if you are experiencing stomach problems. If your stomach feels like it is cramping or hurting really bad, I would recommend switching over to a Tylenol regimen. Tylenol is 100% ibuprofen. I am recommending this because you should NEVER take an aspirin regimen when experiencing stomach discomfort.

Can you take Tylenol and aerius together?

can aerius kids be taken with children tylenol

Can you take Baby Aspirin Toviaz and Cymbalta at the same time or should you spread out over the day?

Toviaz is safe to take with both baby aspirin and cymbalta.

How much Tylenol can youy give a dog that 65Ibs?

Tylenol is not really recommended for dogs. It can be toxic at low doses and cause organ damage. A better choice is aspirin. For a dog that size you can give them 1 tablet (325 mg) twice a day. Remember long term use can damage the stomach lining.

Can Tylenol and asperin be taken seperately at different times of the day?

yes but take it different times a day if you take it in the same morning and nite

Coumadin and Tylenol?

Non Aspirin containing Tylenol (Acetaminophen) is fine in combination with Coumadin (Warfarin). However, you should speak with your doctor before beginning using Tylenol as it has been known to effect PT/INR results (though nothing to serious).

Can you take toradol in the same day as Tylenol 4?

Toradol and Tylenol 4 are both very strong pain medications. It is not recommended that you mix them, but it may be possible to take them on the same day if you allow enough time for one to get out of your system before taking the other. Always consult a pharmacist or your doctor before taking medications such as these, as misuse can be fatal.

Can you take Tylenol and antibiotics together?

Yes, you can. The popular brand of OTC pain reliever, Excedrin, is actually just that - a combination of these two drugs, plus the amount of caffeine equal to one cup of coffee. For adults, if the pain is severe, you can take two aspirin and two acetaminophen at the same time, then alternate the two drugs every two hours afterwards. For example, after taking two of the aspirin and two acetaminophen, wait two hours, then take two aspirin OR two acetaminophen, then in two more hours, take two of the other. Do NOT continue this for more than one day without your doctors approval.