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Q: If you didn't have a stomach will your digestive system still work?
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What are two examples of an organ system?

The circulatory stems transport nutrients and gasses to cells. Other examples are the digestive system, primary organs, accessory organs, endocrine system, pituitary glands, and the integumentary system.

What would happen if you didn't have you stomach?

You can survive without your stomach. There are three main digestive organs...the mouth, stomach and small intestines. Without the stomach, you may have to eat smaller amounts at each sitting or you may have to adjust what you put into the system, but your body can still do some basic digestion and the bulk of the absorption of the food.

What would happen to a cow if it didnt regurgitate?

Nothing - the food would complete its journey through the digestive system. The food is only stored in the first stomach so it can be returned to the mouth for more chewing. If the cow didn't re-chew the food, it would still pass out the other end. Perhaps just a little less digested.

What is an example of an organ system?

it all what you have in your body lol

What are the disadvantages of a monogastric digestive system?

While there are more advantages than disadvantages of a monogastric digestive system, there are still disadvantages that exist. Animals with a monogastric digestive system are unable to extract energy from the cellulose that they consume in their foods.

How can you digest and eat food if your stomach is removed by gastrectomy?

Because the stomach's primary functions is to break down proteins. Pancreas still releases digestive enzymes.

What is the name of the greenish-black substance found in the fetal pig's intestine?

Liver juices-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not liver juices. Why would there be liver juices in the intestine?Its called Meconium. Since it is a fetal pig, meaning that it was still in the placenta when it was killed (to be used as a dissection, of course), it didnt use the digestive system because it didnt eat. Instead, what when through the stomach and intestines was meconium. Meconium is like urine, water, hair, and any cells, mucus, and bile.Hope this helped!-kutekat215

How does food get to your stomatch?

Before food can be used by the body, it has to go through parts of the digestive system. Once food enters your mouth, saliva helps it turn into bolus. The bolus moves to the pharynx and down the esophagus. Now it has reached the stomach. The stomach then adds mucus and digestive acids to the food, and then squeezes and mixes it for 4-6 hours. Then, the food goes through the small intestine. If it still isn't digested, it moves on to the large intestine, which takes it through the cecum and rectum.

How does the fish digestive system work?

First ,food enters the fish's mouth, then, it goes down the esophagus then, intestine, then rectum, then gets pooped out through the rectum.

Is Charcoal tablets good for cleaning blood?

Not really. It can absorb some posions that are still in your stomach /digestive tract, but that's pretty much it.

What happens if nerves are missing in the lower digestive tract?

most Lilly the food will still move along since peristalsis would still go on and the food will go on, since the digestive system is involuntary

What was the government system for colony Georgia?

it was very bad because they didnt have a good system that they could stick with. Alot of slaves was still there