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Yes. You are responsible for the property and are allowing illegal acts.

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Q: If you didn't purchase alcohol for a minor but minors are drinking on your property could there be legal consequences?
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The laws to under age drinking?

Laws for underage drinking vary by country and state, but in general, it is illegal for individuals under the legal drinking age to purchase, possess, or consume alcohol. Penalties for underage drinking can include fines, community service, license suspension, and mandatory alcohol education programs. It is important to be aware of and follow the laws regarding underage drinking to avoid legal consequences.

What property describes when alcohol at 60 degrees Celsius?

Ethyl alcohol or ethanol (more commonly known as drinking alcohol), will be a hot alcohol.

If you are an underage drinker drinking alcohol in a park in New Zealand what would the legal consequences be?

The alcohol would be confiscated. You would be reported to your parents.

What is the legal drinking in the US?

You have to be 21 years old to purchase or drink alcohol.

What are the four types of drinking behavior?

The four types of drinking behavior are moderate drinking, heavy or risky drinking, binge drinking, and excessive drinking. Moderate drinking involves consuming alcohol in a responsible and controlled manner. Heavy or risky drinking involves regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol, which can have negative health and social consequences. Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration to 0.08g/dL or higher in a short amount of time. Excessive drinking refers to consuming alcohol in amounts that exceed recommended guidelines and can lead to alcohol abuse or dependence.

What are facts about about alcohol?

Drinking alcohol in moderation is associated with better health and greater longevity than is either abstaining from it or abusing it. However, the abuse of alcohol can have serious health and safety consequences.

Can you be arrested for drinking under age?

Yes, it is illegal to drink alcohol under the legal drinking age in most places. It is considered an offense and you can be arrested or face legal consequences for underage drinking.

Why are Adolescents at a greater risk of experiencing long-term consequences from drinking alcohol?

The brain develops until you're in your 20s"There is compelling evidence that adolescents are at a greater risk of experiencing long-term consequences from drinking because the human brain continues to develop until people are in their mid-20's".--from Alcohol Education

Is it illegal to purchase alcohol for an 18 year old in Canada?

Yes, the drinking age is 19

What has the author Susan Jane Bondy written?

Susan Jane Bondy has written: 'Patterns of drinking and the acute consequences of alcohol use'

What is the drinking age in Rome?

16 is the legal age to purchase alcohol, 14 and 15 yr. old are allowed to consume alcohol as long as the alcohol is purchased by a parent

What is the legal drinking and purchase age of alcohol in Italy?

The legal drinking age is 18. It was raised from 16 to 18 in 2013, by the Italian health ministry.