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This is a very vague question, but I'm assuming you're question is to whether or not you'll pass a drug test. THC metabolites(the psychoactive chemical in marijuana that is responsible for the weed's mind-affecting properties), unlike other drugs, reside in the body's fat tissues, and it's metabolism in the body differs from individual to individual. Cannabis can remain in detectable amounts in the urine "3 to 7 days, up to >30 days after heavy use and/or in users with high body fat" and "up to 90 days" in the hair, "12-24 hours in the blood/bodily fluid, and up to 2 weeks in heavy users." Now, from my own personal experience, I'd venture a guess that you may want to wait for a couple weeks without touching marijuana after having done it everyday for a few weeks and then hitting a joint ... There are so many factors that play into the question and it's resulting answer as this would again vary from person to person. Questions arise, like your body fat percentage, your prior history smoking herb, etc. etc. The best answer is to treat it like you were a heavy user, so that way you get the safest possible distance from having detectable amounts in your urine. Give yourself at least 2 weeks, and if at all possible, about a month from your last use. Unfortunately, drug tests are usually administered with a one to two day window of notice.

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Q: If you didnt smoke marijuana for three weeks then hit a joint 4 or 5 times would you be ok?
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