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Heck yeah man, it stays in your system for 30 days. It's why I lost my job. =( YOU MUST DETOX FOR 3 DAYS to pass any swab test thats all it takes

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Q: If you don't smoke weed for an week can a lab detect THC with a swab test?
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Can a swab test detect pot?


Are swab test used to detect alcohol?

They can be.

How long will a swab test detect marijuana?

A swab test can detect marijuana in saliva for up to 24-48 hours after use. The detection window can vary depending on factors such as frequency of use and individual metabolism.

How far back does swab test detect cocaine?

2 days

Swabb test versus Unine test for marijuana?

a swab test is less acurate.all you need to do is take a the swab in the side of your mouth and if you want to pass a urine test then have someone that dont smoke pee in a cup and put the cup under a lamp and make sure the temp is 94-100

How does the swab drug test work and how far back can it detect drug use?

it will only detect MAX 72 hrs

How do you pass a swab drug test today?

you dont

How long does it take to pass a swab test after smoking weed?

30 days give or take. If you dont normally smoke, it takes 2 to 3 weeks

What is a syliva drug test?

it is a drug test by mouth. they swab the mouth to detect drug use in the last 24 hours.

What is mouth swab test?

A mouth swab test or a saliva drug test is mainly used because it is cheaper than urine or blood tests. It can show if an individual has recently taken any type of drug, but they're not as complex as urine or blood tests. For example, if you have smoked marijuana recently - the mouth swab test can usually detect it for up to 4 or 5 days. If you smoke marijuana and have a urine test done, it can be detectable for up to 30 days if you are a frequent smoker.

How long after you smoke wet does it take to pass a cotton swab test?

Stupid you don't smoke wet that is an adjective

Is there any way topass a swab test tomorrow if you smoke meth today?

I hope not.