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See your doctor as soon as possible, if you believe you may have been exposed to tetanus.

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Q: If you don't get tetanus shot within a day what should you do?
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Can you get tetanus from being cut by metal?

Yes, if you get cut by metal and dont have a tetanus shot, you should get one right away.

Should you get a tetanus shot if you were bitten by a hamster?

No, tetanus shots are for rusty metal.

How often should horse receive tetanus vaccination?

Horses should be vaccinated yearly against Tetanus and boosters may be recommended if a horse is injured.

If someone treads on a rusty nail should they go and get a shot immediately?

A tetanus shot? Yes, if you are unsure when you last had one and it wasn't within the last couple of years.

Should you take a tetanus shot if you were bitten by a hamster?


How often should you get a tetanus vaccination?

The current recommendation is to receive a tetanus shot every ten years.

Are there any dangerous ingredients in a tetanus shot?

Yes. there is one dangerous in a tetanus shot and that is tetanus.

How soon after being attacked by a rooster should someone get a tetanus shot?

You do not need to get a tetanus shot if you were attacked by a rooster, only if you get a deep cut on something rusty

How long after injury do you get tetanus shot?

Even to day, some one comes and ask for ATS injection. Anti tetanus serum injection is very dangerous to give. The patient may get the anaphylactic reaction. This preparation is no longer used. Any serum preparation is dangerous. You need to be protected by anti tetanus injection. With proper wound care the anti tetanus serum is not required.

How soon should you get a tetanus shot after a puncture wound?

You should go ASAP! Tetanus, or lockjaw, is a disease that begins to set in fairly rapidly and can be very deadly. A tetanus shot works in much the same way an anti-venom for a snake bite works. The sooner the better.

What should you do if You step on a rusty nail which punctures your skin If you haven't done so recently?

go straight to a doctors to get a tetnus shot!!

How long is a shot?

A tetanus shot is used to prevent lockjaw and other serious ailments due to germs entering a person's wounds. An adult should update their tetanus shot every ten years.