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No, not necessarily. It is quite normal to dream about someone shortly after their death or while you are mourning their loss. Usually this only means that your own mind is struggling to accept the reality and finality of the person's passing. However, there are some dreams that give you an opportunity to say goodbye or that represent the bonds of love and caring that extend beyond the limits of physical existance. In those cases, the memory of the dream encounter with the loved one is as real and valid as encounters that occur before death. See the link below for further discussion on seeing deceased persons in dreams.

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Probably that you miss them

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Q: If you dream about someone who died does it mean his soul came to your dreams?
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Why do i keep having dreams about my dead grandfather dying?

When someone dies in the family that you witnessed yourself then after that family member died you start to dream about that person and if you keep on thinking about how he died then you'll probably dream about that event happening again of him dieing. I think its because you can't stomach the thought of him being dead so when you dream you see him dieing again. Hoped this helped

What does it mean when you dream that someone who had died is coming around the corner and is happy and glad to see you you say to them will i see you again and they say yes and your dream repeats?

Sigmund Freud believed dreams were often wish fulfilment. In this case it would mean you wish the person was still alive.

You dream of opening the door and the grim reaper is standing there.Having very bad nigthmares.?

It's just a dream. I've had horrifying dreams myself, but I haven't died. Yet.

I had a dream that my mother died and that same night my mother had a dream that I died what does that mean?

Although at first glance these two dreams appear to be a remarkable coincidence, on further investigation you probably would find that they are not all that surprisingly similar. Only knowing that both dreams refer to someone (you or your mother) dying, the manner and reasons of the dreamed deaths may be very different. One dream might involve a tragic, grief-filled loss while the other might reflect welcome relief from suffering, or a glorious self-sacrifice for a noble cause. However, there might be other factors. Our memory of dreams is amazingly fluid, and hearing your mother describe her dream could effect the way you remembered your own dream, and vice versa. So there is no cause for concern; these dreams do not predict imminent death. It is much more likely that both dreams refer to a significant change that is about to occur in your family. See the link below for more information and examples.

What does it mean when you dream about someone who has died and in your dream he is dead?

This suggests that the dreamer is coming to accept the reality of that person's death.

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means he will live for a long times dreams are opposite to reality