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They have nothing to do with each other. Sleep apnea means that sometimes you styop breathing in your sleep, which you may or may not do regardless of if you're dreaming or not.

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Q: If you dream continually then are you cured of Sleep Apnea?
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Do people with sleep apnea always snore at night?

Yes they do. People with Sleep Apnea often have a decrease in stage REM therefore they may not dream as often. REM sleep is often considered our dream stage. It is also our restorative sleep. Just because you don't remember your dreams doesn't mean that you did not dream. If you wake during REM stage you will remember what you were just dreaming. If you do not wake during REM but wake in a different stage of sleep (example stage 3) then you probably won't remember having a dream.

What causes a person to stop breathing in their sleep?

This could mean that a person has 'Sleep Apnea'. There are 2 types of Apnea: 1. The airway is obstructed. 2. Or, a person just stops breathing with no obstruction and is usually overweight. If a doctor suspects Sleep Apnea, they will refer the person to a sleep specialist.

Can you get killed in your sleep?

It is extremely unlikely to be killed in your sleep under normal circumstances. However, certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea or heart conditions, can increase the risk of complications during sleep. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about your health during sleep.

Can you dream in your sleep?

Yes you can I dream in my sleep all the time.

What does it mean if your about to get suffocated in your dream?

The dream could mean nothing more than that the pillow is in an uncomfortable position. It might also indicate the dreamer has sleep apnea, a potentially serious respiratory problem.

Is it possible to dream about trying to sleep?

Yes, it is possible to dream about trying to sleep.

When you hold your breath in a dream do you really hold your breath?

Probably not. However, it could be an indication that you have sleep apnea. When your rational mind is asleep, your unconscious mind tries to make sense of what is happening to you while you are asleep. So if you are having trouble breathing in the real world, particularly if it is at that moment, you will likely dream about it.

What do seahorses do in there sleep?

they dream of things or have nightmares or they don't have dream or a nightmare they just sleep

Do you have a dream after you sleep or before?

you have a dream while you sleep. This is why sometimes you don't remember your dreams

What are some different types of sleep disorders?

Three common sleep disorders are sleep apnea, night-terrors and somnambulism. Sleep apnea is a sudden arrest of breathing during sleep. Night terrors occur as a result of autonomic arousal during sleep, often resulting in tachycardia and excessive sweating; contrary to popular belief, it does not necessarily involve disturbing dream content. Somnambulism is commonly referred to as "sleep walking", and occurs during stages 3 or 4 of the sleep cycle. There are three basic types of sleep disorders: those caused by the sufferer, those caused by something in the environment of the sufferer, and those caused by something that affects the sufferer's circadian rhythms. Simple insomnia, an ongoing inability to fall asleep, is experienced by many people at some time in their lives. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when someone stops breathing for repeated, short moments during sleep. Toddlers often suffer from night terrors, and usually outgrow these as they get older.

What does it mean when you have a dream about not breathing?

one description:I had a dream that I couldn't breathe or speak at the same time and in my dream I saw something paranormal and I was trying to say what the $#@! Is that but for some reason the words wouldn't come our and I felt as if something were pressing my chest down.answer:The dreamer could be experiencing sleep apnea, a physical condition in which the natural rhythm of breathing is interrupted during sleep. The dream would be the mind's way of alerting the dreamer of the body's distress. Sleep apnea is often associated with snoring. See attached link for further information..... Alternatively, the inability to breathe in the dream could be a metaphor for one's feeling stifled, or smothered in some sense in real life. For example, perhaps one has no outlet for creative expression.In dreams, the inability to breathe could symbolize feelings of being closed in or being unable to express oneself in waking life. Alternatively, it might represent a physical problem (respiratory disease) that has not yet been noticed by the waking mind.i think this isn't dreaming, maybe you really have hard time in breathing while you are asleep. maybe something is over you that caused you to breathe hard or some other causes...

How does dream sleep differ from dreamless sleep?

Dream sleep generally is considered as a good sleep. Dreamless sleep occurs when the person is very much tired. That sleep affects the person in a negative manner.