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No. Stop smoking crack before you have a drug test. It's obviously too late for that, but what you can do now, however, is go to the nearest GNC and buy something to cleanse your system. It's not guaranteed to work, but it's definitely worth a shot. As a completely last resort, on the day of your drug test, drink at least a 3 liters to a gallon of water. Your body will stop absorbing it, and you'll start urinating pure water. Again, not a guaranteed fix, but you can try. Good luck.

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simple answer would be no.

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Q: If you drink plenty of water can you pass a urine drug test 4 days after smoking crack?
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Can crack get into urine if you handle it?

No. It has to be ingested in the body by smoking.

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3 months max to completely leave your system?

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1) Drink plenty of water to dliute the urine (one should drink plenty of water throughout the day anyway) 2) Minimize the intake of certain types of food (asparagus, onions, garlic, and various types of greasy or salty foods) that can give urine a strong or pungent odor

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normal, drink plenty of water. dr aziz

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1) Drink plenty of water to dliute the urine (one should drink plenty of water throughout the day anyway) 2) Minimize the intake of certain types of food (asparagus, onions, garlic, and various types of greasy or salty foods) that can give urine a strong or pungent odor

If you smoked crack on sat will you be able to pass a urine test eight days later?

Yes,make sure you drink alot of water.and don't smoke crack,It's an illegal drug.

Will not smoking marijuana and drinking vinger and a lot of water will that clean your urine?

yes but not to much vinegar like a teaspoon of it but you can drink lots of water also drink pickle juice

How do you pass a urine test for crack?

Drink 10 gallons of orange juice then eat 2 packs of orbit gum. It always work for me

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about 48 hours. just drink plenty of water

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one drop of bleach in your urine sample will do but I don't think you are suppose to drink a cup of bleach .But plenty of water stop smoking pot and get your job. And if you have a few days pay the 60.00 bucks for detox for the smoke or herb shop.