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Not necessarily, the place you land depends on how far you jump into the hole. Gravity won't pull you to the center, gravity only pulls things down and not sideways.

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Q: If you dug a hole through the center of the earth and jumped in would you stay at the center because of gravity?
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If you dug a hole to the center of the earth and jumped in would you stay at the center because of gravity?

If the hole went right through the Earth, you would gather enough speed to continue to the other side. Assuming no resistance, you would move back and forth forever, like an ideal pendulum moves back and forth forever. i think that if you fell in the hole the earth's gravity would pull you apart.

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Because technically he wasn't in space. He was on the edge of Earths atmosphere. so gravity was still in effect.

If you jumped down a hole drilled directly through the earth theoretically would your velocity take you past the center of the earth?

I'll make this simple, basically what would happen is that you would keep falling through the center of the earth. You would momentarily stop at the other side of the earth at the same height you jumped into the hole. Then you would fall back into the hole repeating the process indefinitely.

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it does that because it has either jumped time or ....jumped time ! :) :)

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the two main forces are air resistance and gravity

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When did pony get jumped by the Socs in the outsiders?

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What is the present perfect tense of jumped?

I/You/We/They have jumped. He/She/It has jumped. she is jumped up and down.