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at least 15 pounds because that is too much calories. you should only have up to 1600 to 2500 calories a day.

This answer is partially incorrect. it is true that you should only intake between 1600 to 2500 calories a day, but considering that there is 3500 calories in 1 pound of fat, if you ate only 3000 calories you wouldn't even gain 1 whole pound let alone 15.

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12y ago

It depends on how active you are.. try to work out everyday for 45 mins. You should actually lose weight in a week if u do this

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Unless you're just recovering from some nasty disease, it's not healthy to try to gain 3 lbs/week, so it wouldn't be responsible to try to help you with that.

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Q: How much weight can gain in a week by eating 3000 calories?
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You can gain weight by eating food with high Calories.

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No. Continuously eating more calories than you use up is what makes you gain weight.

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yes...because if you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight no matter what!

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If you don't use the calories from the twizzlers then yes. In order to gain weight you have to receive more calories from food than you use during the day. Theoretically any food could make you gain weight.

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Probably not.

Does eating a box of Wheat Thins a day make you gain weight?

Yes it does. A full box of wheat thins equals alot of calories which equals weight gain. Unless that is the only thing you are eating all day. Make the calories you eat equal the calories you burn everyday and you will remain the same weight. No particular food causes weight gain, it's just when you eat too much of it, it means you are probably eating more calories then you are burning that day!

How many calories can you eat before you gain weight?

From 2250 to 3000 calorie food is good if you take daily you can gain weight upto 1 kg per week

Are rice cause make man fats?

Nope… If you are maintaining your calories by eating rice, you won’t gain weight else without taking rice if you consume more calories definitely you will gain weight. Weight gain depends up on our calorie intake and how many calories we are giving up.

Can trying to gain weight lead to anorexia?

I don't think do. Trying to gain weight means you are eating more calories. Anorexics are characterized by limiting their calorie intake, along with exercising to burn off more calories so that they DON'T gain weight.

Why Eating better but gaining weight?

while you are eating better you're still eating too much. the average person needs only 2000 calories to maintain their weight. if you're getting over that and not burning them off you'll gain weight. for every 3500 extra calories you gain one pound of fat.

How do you gain weight rapidly?

The fastes way to gain weight is by eating at night cuz your body doesnt burn those calories and they turn into pure fat.