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There is some risk. However, generally following ejaculation the penis will go flaccid very quickly and it might be like trying to stuff a marshmallow into a piggy bank.

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Q: If you ejaculate then stick your penis in a girl can they pregnant?
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If you touch the girl with my penis than the girl will be pregnant?

No, because all you did was touch her, not ejaculate sperm into her vagina. That's the only thing that will make her pregnant.

Can one inch penis still impregnate a girl?

If you can manage to have intercourse and ejaculate then you have a chance of getting her pregnant.

How far in does the penis have to go in to get the girl pregnant?

Technically you can just ejaculate at the opening and there's a risk for pregnancy since they swim.

Does the penis have to touch the uterus in order to become pregnant?

no. the penis will probably never touch the uterus as the cervix is blocking the only route. all that needs to happen is to ejaculate inside the vagina or even on the outside and it drips in might get a girl pregnant

If a boy touches his penis and hugs a girl by touching the waist will that cause pregnancy?

No, the only way for a woman to get pregnant is for semen to enter the vagina, unless you ejaculate on your hand and put in in her vagina, she will not get pregnant.

Can you get a girl pregnant if you have a 4.5 in penis?

The size of the penis has nothing to do with your ability to get someone pregnant. Its your sperm. So yes you can get a girl pregnant with a 4.5 in penis.

Can you get pregnant from a girl?

The only way for a female to get pregnant is for a man to ejaculate semen into the woman's vagina. A girl can't get pregnant from a girl; a guy cannot get pregnant from a girl.

How do you know if you have ejaculated in a girl?

Yes, because when you ejaculate you soak the vaginal walls in ejaculate. You're still moving your penis around in there so the ejaculate in the vagina gets on your penis as well as the vagina.

When a guy is wet can you get the girl pregnant?

Do you mean like wet with water? Yes, you could get a girl pregnant even if you are having sex in a swimming pool. Do you men wet with pre-ejaculate? Pre-ejaculate contains sperm, so it can make a girl pregnant, even it you didn't ejaculate yet.

If you have a low amount of pre-ejaculate fluid can you get a girl pregnant?


What are the possibilities of getting a girl pregnant with pre-ejaculate?

quite possible

Can a girl get pregnant if the guy pulls out and he doesnt have pre-ejaculate?

Sperms are too tiny to tell whether any got inside you or not, or whether at any point of intercourse any got inside you or not. Whether he has pre-ejaculate on his penis after pulling out or not is not relevant. There is a tiny risk that some sperms got inside you and get you pregnant.