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Q: If you fail your hair test would cps notify you immediately?
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Can human hair mildew?

Yes it Can!!! You have to be very careful after washing your hair, you MUST ALWAYS dry completely. If you fail to do this your hair could mildew and begin falling out almost immediately.

What if you took opiates a month before hair test?

Yoiu would fail the test.

Can you dye relaxed hair blonde?

You can, but definitely do not do it immediately before or immediately after as you don't want to damage/fry/burn your hair off. You can easily do something wrong & cause your hair to fall out.

What shampoo can you use to get THC out of your hair?

Grow up and accept you smoked pot. Fail the hair test

If you are around marijuana smoke will you fail a hair sample test?


If a recovering coke addict relapsed once 88 days ago will he fail his hair test tomorrow also he cut his hair pretty short does that help or hurt his chances of passing?

It is possible to fail your hair drug test under such circumstances. Everyone's hair grows differently though. It is also possible for some testing centers to view a newly-shaved head as an automatic fail.

When using cocaine is it immediately detectable in your hair?

dont be daft.

What happen if you wet your hair before you get a perm?

Nothing. They wash your hair immediately before a perm anyway.

If you shave your body hair and head will the cocaine be gone?

No, you wouldn't fail a hair follicle test unless they tested your pubes.

If someone gets drug tested at their school and did maybe a fourth of a gram or maybe a little more of cocaine would he or she fail for it on a hair test?

no because they never do a hair test on people who are drunk. They only ever do breath tests.

Will an employer notify you if you have to do a hair follicle drug test?

I would hope they don't just come pull it out while your at your desk, that would be rude. They can send you to get a drug test while you are within your working hours as long as they show a reason or state written policy

Does marijuana show in your hair follicles immediately?

Like, a few hours after.