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Turtles shed their shells when they are growing. A scute is what makes a turtle's shell look quilted. Each individual scute sheds or peels off, including the ones on the plastron. So don't worry about your turtle, he is perfectly fine and healthy.

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12y ago
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11y ago

When your turtle dies, it shrivles up inside the shell, and after a while it starts to smell. once you find the odor, it is now your job to remove turtle looking fetus from it's dormant shell. after you succeed, you can do as you wish with its shell. YOU'RE WELCOME! :)

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15y ago

Most of the time it does, so probably. Turtles live for many years, so it was probably killed by a predator, like a raccoon or a fox.

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Q: If you find a turtle shell does that mean the turtle died?
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What does a turtle look like without a shell?

The turtleâ??s spine that runs through the entire body is attached to the shell. That would mean for the turtle to leave the shell, the spine would have to be torn out because itâ??s attached to the shell. Underneath the shell lays solid body of bones where the turtle body has very little movement.

What to do if your pet turtle bites you?

Obviously treat the wound and find out if that little monster has rabbis. if it bites its proberly just looking for food it doesnt mean anything by it. is not defending itself because that adaptatation would be for the turtle to go into its shell in dangerous situation or threating ones.

Do turtles die without their shell?

NO. the turtles shell is attached to its body it serves as its backbone if the shell break sthe back bone is broken and can no longer suvive Actually, it depends on where the break is and how severe! I just rescued a turtle that has 2 fractures in the lower part of his shell being hit by a car, and is alive and active. The fractures are bad to the point where we think we see her spine. Search Wild life rescue or Turtle rescue in New Jersey online. Call and get some advice if you have an injured turtle on our hands.

The top shell on a turtle is called?

The shell covering the top of a turtle's body is called the carapace (say karra-pace).It is made of a hard substance called scutes.Some turtles do not have a hard carapace. The carapace of soft-shelled turtles and the leatherback turtle is made of thick skin.The shape of a carapace is not always the same:

What does it mean when you find a dead squirrel on your property?

It died there.

Related questions

I found a turtle its shell is smooth and soft pig-nosed has brownish hue on shell and its underbelly is all black has 4 claws on each flipper and it has yellowish stripes on head what turtle is it?

I think you mean a painted turtle

What does a turtle look like without a shell?

The turtleâ??s spine that runs through the entire body is attached to the shell. That would mean for the turtle to leave the shell, the spine would have to be torn out because itâ??s attached to the shell. Underneath the shell lays solid body of bones where the turtle body has very little movement.

What does the name turtle mean?

a creature that has a hard outer shell and eats people

What does it mean to find a black turtle on the front door?

What does it mean to find a black turtle on your front door iv

What protection does the green sea turtle have?

its shell u idiot. who doesnt kno this? lol sorry not tryn 2 be mean? lol the green sea turttle has a shell i think the top answer is mean!

What to do if your pet turtle bites you?

Obviously treat the wound and find out if that little monster has rabbis. if it bites its proberly just looking for food it doesnt mean anything by it. is not defending itself because that adaptatation would be for the turtle to go into its shell in dangerous situation or threating ones.

What does it mean when a baby yellow foot turtle's shell is like a pyramid?

It means that the scutes are raised and look like pyramids, and the shell is bumpy and not smooth. For more information on how to take care of pyramiding on a pet turtle visit the link in 'related links'.

Do turtles die without their shell?

NO. the turtles shell is attached to its body it serves as its backbone if the shell break sthe back bone is broken and can no longer suvive Actually, it depends on where the break is and how severe! I just rescued a turtle that has 2 fractures in the lower part of his shell being hit by a car, and is alive and active. The fractures are bad to the point where we think we see her spine. Search Wild life rescue or Turtle rescue in New Jersey online. Call and get some advice if you have an injured turtle on our hands.

The top shell on a turtle is called?

The shell covering the top of a turtle's body is called the carapace (say karra-pace).It is made of a hard substance called scutes.Some turtles do not have a hard carapace. The carapace of soft-shelled turtles and the leatherback turtle is made of thick skin.The shape of a carapace is not always the same:

What cells created turtles?

Turtle cells. See "genetics". If you mean prior to turtles, it was a reptile without a shell, or just a tiny one.

Can turtles ever take off their shell?

A turtle's spine/backbone is attached internally to its shell - so to take off the shell is to rip the backbone out of the body and kill the turtle. A turtle shell consists of two parts - the carapace (the upper convex shell) and the plastron (the lower concave shell) which are joined together by two connecting bone bridges. The backbone is attached to the the carapace at the top, and to the ribs on the bottom sides. As a result, most of the length of the turtle's backbone is fixed in place as one bone! with only the tail and neck retaining flexibility, so when Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo partied, they definitely tried to avoid dancing.

What does it mean when the bottom of the turtle shell has some pink on it?

If there is a bump on the plastron, belly, of a turtle then it could be the concave part of a males shell and that would be the natural shape but it's hard to say anything unless the breed, gender, and age is specified. Also a picture would help. There could be some thing seriously wrong with your turtle so you should take him to a reptile vet.