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Yes, failing to properly cite a source in your paper is a form of plagiarism because it does not give credit to the original author for their ideas or work. It's important to acknowledge and reference the sources you use to avoid plagiarism and uphold academic integrity.

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Q: If you forgot to cite a source in your paper that is still plagiarism.?
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What is it called when you shorten an author's work but still use their words?

When the source is cited - paraphrasing When the source is not credited - plagiarism _______________________________________________________________________ And when you do plagiarism you can go to jail because it is illegal to copy other peoples words that you have not created.

Can a student be penalized for unintentional plagiarism?

Yes. Most schools will have some sort of punishment, wheather if it is a zero on the paper, or whatnot, but unintentional plagiarism is still plagiarism nonetheless. And from the teacher's perspective, unintentional plagiarism looks a whole lot like intentional plagiarism.

When you paraphrase information from a source do you still cite it?

Yes, even when you paraphrase information from a source, you should still cite it to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism.

Do you have to cite when summarizing a source?

Yes, it is important to cite the source when summarizing information to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism. Even if you are putting the information in your own words, it is still necessary to acknowledge where the information came from.

How do you solve plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, give credit to the original source by citing it properly in your work. Use quotation marks for direct quotes and paraphrase information in your own words while still providing a citation. Additionally, run your work through plagiarism detection software to check for unintentional plagiarism.

Is changing or rearranging the words from a source without giving credit to the original author plagiarism?

Yes, changing or rearranging the words from a source without giving credit to the original author is still considered plagiarism. It is important to properly cite the source and give credit to the original author for their work, even if you are rephrasing their words.

Plagiarism can be prevented if a student changes the words from the original source document?

Changing the wording of a source without properly citing it is still considered plagiarism. Students should instead use their own understanding and analysis of the material to express ideas in their own words, while also providing proper citations to give credit to the original source.

Does Plagiarism entail violation of intellectual property laws?

Not always. Plagiarism is making a false claim that you created something original. If you copied a public domain source, it is not a copyright infringement, but still plagiarism. For example, you download a NASA photograph (all works created by the US government are public domain in the USA), modify it and submit it to a photo contest as your original work. That is plagiarism, not copyright infringement.

Do you need to cite a source if it is completely reworded?

Yes, even if you completely reword information from a source, you still need to cite the original source to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarism. Rewording does not exempt you from citing your source.

To reduce the risk of plagiarism you should your sources when taking notes except in the rare cases when you want to quote your source word for word?

Correct. Properly citing sources when taking notes helps to avoid plagiarism by giving credit to the original author. However, if you intend to quote directly from the source word for word, then you should use quotation marks and cite the source to provide proper attribution.

Can you show me examples of using web based information and still guard against plagiarism?

yes by giving credit (citing) the site by putting a footnote and putting the source at the bottom.

Is it plagiarism if you change the wording of the sentence?

If you change the wording of a sentence but keep the structure and ideas the same, it can still be considered plagiarism. Plagiarism involves presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, regardless of how much you've changed the wording. It's important to properly attribute and give credit to the original source to avoid plagiarism.