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If the cold sore really is from herpes, yes, you will have it for the est of your life unless someone in the future discovers a means of eradicating the virus

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Q: If you get a cold sore once does that mean you will have herpes for the rest of your life?
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Can you get a cold sore if you are not exposed but are a carrier?

Yes. Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, which once contracted remains dormant in your system for life; you do not have to be re-exposed to the virus for it to enter an active phase again.

What kills chickenpox and cold sores once they break open?

Chicken pox an cold sores are slightly different. Cold sores are caused by oral herpes, chicken pox are caused by herpes zooster. Antiviral medication will treat both conditions.

Does cold sores mean coughs?

A cold sore is caused by a herpes simplex virus and shows on the lip. It is a red, raised bump that gets crusty. Once you have these, you will get them time and time again. They have nothing to do with what we call colds and therefore with coughs, either. You can have both a cold and a cold sore but they are not causing each other.

Will bleach heal a cold sore?

Using bleach on a cold sore is a NO NO, that will only make things worse not only that the bleach could damage your skin. All you need is some over the counter cold sore cream, some of them are inexpesive.

What if a cold sore happens once?

A cold sore is a herpes infection For some people, their immune system suppresses the virus; for others they have outbreaks. Each persons immune system is different.

What is a cold sore flare up?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus. It never leaves your body once you get it. Periodically, usually during times of stress, the virus will appear on the surface of the body as a sore.

How does the herpes virus that causes cold sores infect host cells differently than a cold virus would infect host cells?

The herpes that causes cold sores remains in the nervous system and is reactivated from time to time. The sore reappears at this time. A cold virus doesn't act this way in the nervous system. Once a person has a cold, that person makes enough antibodies so that the virus doesn't cause a cold again in that person.

Can somebody virus become active once a year?

Some viruses go latent and then become active later. Various viruses in the herpes family are well known for this: oral herpes - cold sores, chicken pox - shingles, etc.

What does FOIML mean?

For Once In My Life

What are fever blisters caused from?

A fever does not cause fever blisters, just like a cold doesn't cause cold sores (they are the same thing) but if infected with the Herpes Simplex I virus, a person's immune system is compromised and the virus can come out of its dormant stage. Too much sun, stress, certain foods, suppressed immune system are a few of the predisposing factors that can bring the Herpes Simplex Virus I out of its dormant stage. Remember once you have the virus, you will always have it. There is no cure.

How do you holisticly treat oral herpes?

herpes is a virus that infects the nerve cells in your body. there are several serotypes (varieties) but the most common are HSV1 (herpes simplex virus 1) and HSV2. while HSV1 is more commonly "oral" herpes and HSV2 is more commonly "genital" herpes, both can be transmitted to either location. There is no treatment for herpes. once you have been infected, you are infected for life. A person can only treat the symptoms of herpes to make the outbreaks less painfull and of a shorter duration. There are no holistic remedies that have been scientifically proven.

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for once in my life