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it should still be fertile if u put it in water its not

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Q: If you get sperm on your hand is it still fertile?
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Can you be fertile and still not get pregnant?

yes their is you have to have relationships with your partner and let the sperm flow inside you or go to your doctor the'll give you pills to be more fertile

Are you most fertile on your period?

i have found it the most accurate that you are the most fertile on your period because that egg is still being release and if the sperm is in there it could stay in there longer then it would not on your period

If a man has one testicle is his sperm affected?

The overall Count will be a bit lower, but if that testicle is healthy, the man will still be fertile.

Can men with clear sperm be fertile?

it means your shooting blanks buddy no she wont get prego but you can still get the aids and other stds have fun:)

Is white sperm more fertile?

Fertile men should have sperm that is between light gray to off-white. There is not a perfect color that will indicate fertility.

Can the man stop producing fertile sperm suddenly?


How do you get rid of shave rashes?

Sperm of a fertile male.

Does menstruation occurs after conceiving?

No, conception isn't possible during menstruation. During menstruation there is no egg present to be fertilised, although it's important to point out that a woman may still be fertile during menstruation: there may be fertile cervical mucus present, which can keep sperm alive in the vagina long enough so that there is still sperm present when a woman ovulates after menstruation.

How do you make human male sperm fertile again?

You can't.

How long sperm live in a female body while she on her period?

How long sperm can survive in the female body depends on how healthy the sperm are and whether the female is fertile at the time. If there is fertile quality cervical mucus present then sperm can potential survive for up to a week within her body.

How much sperm must be produced before a man is considered fertile?

It doesn't depend on how much of sperm is produced for a man to be fertile but it depends on the quality of the sperm. Many lifestyle factors affect the quality of sperm, eg. Smoking, excessive alcohol intake , temperature at which the testicles are kept at, etc.

What good deeds did Romulus and Remus do?

they gave females fertile sperm.