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If they were true honeybees, there were 4 bees. A bee dies after 1 sting.

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Q: If you get stung by bee 4 times at one time how many bees were there?
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Do apple trees attract bees?

yes it does, because of the sugar inside of the apple. next time you take a bite of an apple, you might get stung home bwoy !

What does it mean if your animal crossing character keeps falling down?

you are running to fast!!!!! if you have in =surance you can get 100 bells for every time you fall down or get stung by bees...

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If you say the bees are a time the scout takes to make the workers how far away the food is. If you say a flying insect that can make honey . Bees made a buzzing noise among the flowers

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imagine being stung by 1000 bees all at the same time

Can people die from a honey bee sting?

Most people will not die from a bee sting; however, if a person is allergic to bee stings they can be fatal.. For more information on bee things visit ;

Where can you find pictures of underground bees?

You can find a picture of sweat bees in the Mallis handbook of pest control. These are the only bee that lives in an underground burrow. They are solitary although a great many of them may burrow in the same general area. They are usually about 1/4 to 3/8 inch long, fuzzy and greyish black in color. they are called sweat bees because they are attracted to sweaty skin, and people usually get stung when they brush them off. They are not very aggresive, but if you have an allergy and get stung... You can get rid of them by soaking their burrow with a solution of one ounce of malathion per gallon of water. This solution will degrade from weather and UV sunlight in a short period of time and thus does not persist in the environment. Malathion can be found in the home and garden stores.

Is the sting of wool carder bee painful?

I've been studying and working with the wool-carder bee for 3 years. Never been stung. Females are very non-aggressive and will usually just try and get out of your way. Males are aggressive to other bees, but can't sting you. Very fun bee to watch, so take the time to watch them! Without fear of being stung.

How many bees leave the hive to gather nectar at one time?

About 25%

What does it mean when you dream about bees and wasp?

The bee is a symbol of divinely inspired & monitored industry...It represents diligence and technical expertise...Bees as command creatures represent harmony,industry,sociability,wisdom and sobriety..the bees attributes are linked to the soul realm...they were used in religious imagery frequently as ressurrection symbols...I think the good Lord is showing you some of your finest qualities, and He's showed you this during a time that might be going a little rough for you, maybe during a time of discouragement....feel free to write @

When is the best time for a beekeeper to catch a swarm of bees?

The best time for the beekeeper to catch a swarm of bees is when he hive has been settled. Using smoke also helps to calm the bees.

Can a bee bite more than one time?

yes they can watch animal planet there's a show on there about threatened bees stinging people multiple times a woman even got stung in her mouth. the stings are painful but treatable. and people have more chances of being on death's doorstep from a snake bite than from any kind of sting from an insect. including the biggest feared spider.

When is the best time of day to be stung by a scorpion?

never, but if you want the best time is when your next to a hospital