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As a pharmacy doctorate candidate I would say that it is not recommended to give Zyrtec and Benadryl together since they will both relieve allergy symptoms in similar ways. Zyrtec is best if you want non-drowsy relief. Benadryl would be best if you want the child to sleep. Both however, are effective.

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yes it should be out there system by then

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Q: How many hours between children's Zyrtec and Benadryl?
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Can you give delsym and childrens Zyrtec to a child?

Read the back of your bottle, and look at the age specifications. Contact your doctor or local 24 hour pharmacy if you are unclear. On that note if some sixteen year old answered yes would you have?

Can a toddler take Zyrtec in the AM and benadrol at night time?

Yes, Zyrtec or cetirizine is a great medication if the child is experiencing any allergies, and there are hardly any known side effects. Benadryl is also a safe medication and will act also as a sleep aid for the night time. Zyrtec should be available in 5 and 10 mg tablets while benadryl will come as 25 and 50 mg capsules. Both also have a liquid formulation. I would stick with the lower doses on each.

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I just called the emergency clinic because my basset has hives from who knows what. We've been giving her 50mg of benadryl every 8 hours and she is 65lbs. Its supposed to be 1mg per pound. They said that we can give her the benadryl every 4-6 hours for now since she has hives.

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I say I say childrens had to work about 1-24 hours a day which was hard work for the childrens and easy for the overlooker and the boss.

If you take Benadryl in the morning and drinking alcohol at night will everything be okay?

Benadryl only lasts for 4-6 hours. There may still be some Diphenhydramine in your system up to 24 hours after taking the drug.Take one shot see how sleepy you get.

Can you mix Aleve and Zyrtec?

Usually, yes, with no problem, and you can drive, too. However, I found if I downed aleve & Zyrtec all at once/together, I became really drowsy/fatigued. This only happened today, and I fell asleep for approx. 3 hours from 11:45am-2:52pm. If you take zyrtec (or aleve...1-2 pills for aleve, 1 for ALL day for zyrtec), space one of them apart. For instance, take the zyrtec (or aleve) first, wait 1-2+ hours, then take the aleve (or zyrtec). Spacing it out a bit leaves no reaction, at least in my experience. (also I am 25/Female, if that makes any difference...I take them both due to allergic reactions to bug bites/mosquito bites, & headaches/muscle aches).

When can you take a fever medicine after taking Benadryl?

8 hours, or until you sleep and wake up again.

What dosage of children's liquid benadryl for 10 pound dog?

I searched for our 5 lb. Chihuahua and found an average dose recommendation of 1/4 tsp of liquid Children's Benadryl (the one that says 12.5 mg on bottle)once in the morning and in the evening. This was recommended by an online vet. I will start out with only 1/8 tsp at first, though.

Can you take Zyrtec and advil cold and sinus?

Yes. Zyrtec is a 24 hour antihistamine which decreases the allergic response in your sinuses, lungs, eyes, skin, etc. Advil (ibuprofen) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory which must be taken every 6-8 hours and treats pain and inflammation through out your body. Some people should not take ibuprofen at all but there is no interaction between Zyrtec and Advil.

Can you take a Benadryl now and then a flexiril in an hour?

No, never mix medication even if its between hours. Ask your doctor if its a problem, some medications react differently with others and have side effects. Read the bottle the medication came in.

What antihistamine can you take with sertraline?

You should avoid benadryl because of cumulative possible side effects (anticholinergic effects). Use another antihistaminic (second generation) like Reactine, Claritin, Aerius, etc.. instead of benadryl. These effects might be tolerable if you're young and taking a low dose of Zoloft... but use something else if it's possible..