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Yes you would.

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Q: If you had an abortions would you still be able to have baby's in the future?
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Do parents of a pregnant 18 year old have any rights regarding abortions?

No and even if she was under 18 the choice would legally still be hers to make.

Why would mother cat mover her kittens?

If the area were she had her babys is continually disturbed mother cat will move her babys cats like a dark enclosed place like a closet to have babys

Why would an unborn babys life be in danger if the umbilical cord was damaged?

Yes, because the umbical cord is the source of babys nutrition and circulation.

Would you have a problem giving birth after 2 abortions?

Not necessarily; see a doctor!

Do Asians eat human babys?

Nope, that would be illegal.

You had three abortions would it be harder for you to concieve?

that depends on how you are and when you had the abortions. if you are in your 20's you probably will not have any problems, however, if you are past that age and in your 30's you will have a harder time for sure.

Is makeup really made out of babys?

No. Where would you have ever heard such a thing?

Do a dog get depressed after having babys?

If they saw your grammar and spelling they would.

Why do people have abortaions?

People have abortions for many reasons. Most abortions are because the other cannot afford to raise the child or does not or cannot handle the responsibility of raising a child. Many abortions are preformed because of medical issues where the mother's life would be endangered y continuing the pregnancy.

If my brain was put in someone else's body would I still think the same as I do now Would I still be me?

No, you'd probably be dead since medical science lacks the proper techniques to perform a brain transplant. However in the future that might be possible, so the answer would be yes... in the future.

How would you describe a crib?

a small basket like bed where babys sleep

Would a rabbit bury a dead rabbit?

no it woundn't.. rabbits don't care if others die.. a mother rabbit would eat one of her babys if it it woudn't rot away in front of her other babys