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Yes, you can have IVF which I think is only about 10-25% chance of success per time. It is very expensive as well.

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Q: If you had your tubes tied and burned is there a procedure in which they can still take an egg from your ovaries and implant it and artificially inseminate you?
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What is oophrectomy?

Oophorectomy is a surgical procedure to remove one or both ovaries. It is typically done to treat conditions such as ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or ovarian cysts, or to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in high-risk individuals. The procedure may be done as part of a hysterectomy or alone.

How the egg cell travel?

The egg begins in the ovaries. Once an egg leaves an ovum it then travels down the fallopian tubes, then to implant in your uterus for 3 weeks and wait for fertiliztion.

What happens when both ovaries releases an egg at the same time and both are fertilized?

Fraternal twins result if both fertilized eggs implant and grow in the uterus.

Is Spaying a hysterectomy?

Spaying is the term used for animals.Hysterectomy for female women but essentially they are the same procedure.

What is a pan hysterectomy?

A pan hysterectomy is also known as total hysterectomy. It is a surgical procedure during which the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed.

What is the wertheim procedure?

Wertheim's procedure is a radical abdominal hystercetomy, usually related to cervical or ovarian cancer. ALL repeoductive organs (uterus, cervix, ovaries) are removed, as well as the top part of the vagina, connective tissue and lymph glands.

What is polycystic ovaries bilateral?

Bilateral means on both ovaries. That is there are cysts in both ovaries.

What type of hysterectomy leaves a woman unable to carry a baby?

A radical hysterectomy will leave a woman unable to have children, because the procedure removes the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.

What are the produce in the ovaries?

Ovaries produce eggs.

What does Bilateral Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy mean?

It is a surgical procedure in which the uterus and both the left and right ovaries and fallopian tubes are surgically removed. The woman automatically goes into menopause (if she hadn't already).

What do a doctor feel when they press down on your lower stomach for pregnancy?

This is to feel your uterous and your ovaries, usually done to check for ectopic pregnancys. It is normal procedure, so dont worry about it :))

Which function is performed by the ovaries but not by the testes?

The function that is performed by the ovaries and not the testes is the ovaries produce eggs. Both testes and ovaries produce hormones.