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If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?

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Q: If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles if it is a parallelogram?
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If you have 8 small triangles made of 16 lines how can you make four small triangles?

If you draw a single square, and then put one X through it, you have 4 triangles. Put another X through it and you have 8. Now, if you want to make four triangles, simply remove the two diagonal lines in the center, and it will create four triangles. Now, since they're separated by the other triangles, it would mean removing four lines, but that is still your answer.

How are parallelogram related to triangles and rectangles?

If you draw one diagonal across a parallelogram, it will split it into two congruent triangles. A rectangle is a parallelogram, with all four angles equal to 90°.

Does the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect the angles?

No, the diagonals of a parallelogram do not necessarily bisect the angles. The diagonals of a parallelogram divide it into four congruent triangles, but they do not necessarily bisect the angles of those triangles.

What shape can you make using four equilateral triangles?

A parallelogram.

Is a parallelogram a obtuse angle?

No, a parallelogram is made from four lines whereas an obtuse angle comprises two lines.

Is a parallelogram always have 4 right angles?

A parallelogram does not have to be four right angles. A parallelogram is a four sided shape with two parallel lines.

Is a quadrilateral sometimes a parallelogram?

Absolutely; a parallelogram is a form of quadrilateral, in that it has four sides. If the four sides come in two sets of parallel lines, you have a parallelogram.

What is a parallelogram with four equal sides and angles?

A has four equal sides and all the angles are 90degrees. it has 2 pairs of parallel lines which makes it a parallelogram.

How can you draw two small four medium and two large triangles with six straight lines?

6 straight lines drawn inside of an irregular octagon will produce the desired result

What is the difference between triangles and trapezoids?

Triangles have three sides while trapezoids are quadrilaterals with four sides. Trapezoids have one set of parallel lines. Triangles do not have any sets of parallel lines.

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