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She could be a Cavailier King Charles Spaniel. They are often mistaken for Cockers.

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Q: If you have a golden cocker spaniel she is a lot smaller than other cocker spaniels have seen is there a breed like the cocker spaniel that she could be?
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Do cocker spaniels get along with other Cocker spaniels?

Yes. they should do :) They are a lovely breed of dog. The only aggressive Cocker spaniels I have met are golden cockers. But if you've had a cocker spaniel for many years, and then decide to bring home a puppy, they might get a little jealous. So be careful. but if you get them the same time. it should be fine :) x

What is the difference between Cocker Spaniels and Water Spaniels and Golden Spaniels?

they act diffident and look different

What is a golden retriever cocker spaniel dog mix called?

probably something like a golden spaniel or retriever spaniel

What does a cocker spainiel and a golden retreiver makes?

A Golden Retriever cross Cocker Spaniel. The resulting puppies will be crossbreds/mongrels.

How much do cocker spaniels cost?

Cocker Spaniels can sell for all different prices, it really depends on the dog and if we are in a financial crises. Most Cocker Spaniel puppies would cost around $400. It really depends on the breeder - a well-bred puppy from fully health tested parents will cost more than a puppy that has no recorded history and no proof it was bred for perfect health and temperament.

Do you get a dog called a golden springer spaniel?

No because springer spaniels can only be coloured (naturally) different shades of brown, black and white. There are no springer spaniels with a golden coat.

What is a good dog breed for a hearing ear dog?

Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Miniature Poodles and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

What colours can a cocker spaniel be?

Blue Roan,Black, Orange Roan , Blue Roan, Golden black and tan,red roan

Are golden retrievers smarter than spaniels?

yes, theres a saying 'a labradors born half trained, a spaniel dies half trained'

What is a cavalier spaniel?

The Cavalier is a dog that looks quite similar to the more common dog breed, the Cocker Spaniel. They originate in England, and are an awesome pet. Their personality is very similar to a Golden Retriever, but in a smaller package. This is an excellent dog if you are looking for a dog that is playful but can also be quite and rest when you wish...

What are the wool hair dog breeds?

There are a few dog breeds that have wool instead of hair. These breeds are the German Shepherd, Cocker Spaniels, Poodles and the Golden retriever.

Can cocker spaniels have short hair?

Hi I have also wondered this today, as My cocker is 5 months and quite small with short hair, But today we met another cocker who was much bigger and like a fur ball lol, and only a month older at 6 months. My cocker spaniel is a pedigree from working sogs, I wondered if working dogs have a shorter coat? Yes they can! But you need to know if yours is a short haired or long. All puppies have short hair at first.