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no you will not die

i advise you to go see a doctor if you havent already and they might suggest that you go to see a podiatrist (a person who treats feet) if the toe nail is in-grown then you may have to have surgery.. ( you wont feel anythhing in surgery) hope your toe is okay (:

Sarah xD

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Q: If you have a infected ingrown toenail will you die?
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Related questions

Why do ingrown toenails hurt?

Ingrown toenails hurt because what is happening is that your toenail is penetrating the skin. when anything penetrates your skin it will hurt. The toenail will press on nerves in the toe. another reason that it hurts is that it is infected. The way to treat an infected ingrown toenail is to remove the toenail from the opening in the skin with nail trimmers then soak the toe in warm salt water. Hope this helps!!

If your toe is red and to the side of your toenail is infected but not ingrown what is this and what should you do?

Go to a doctor right away to get some medication

Will medicare pay for treatment of an ingrown toenail?

will Medicarepay for ingrown toenail

Why does my son's big toe swell with puss?

An ingrown toenail. It may be infected and need medical treatment.

When the corner of a toenail grows into the flesh of the nail bed?

it's an ingrown toenail

Is it bad if puss comes out of under your toenail?

not if you have an ingrown toenail... then it is perfectly normal

Is ingrown a action verb?

No, ingrown is not an action verb. It is an adjective- as in ingrown toenail. Ingrown describes what type/kind of toenail malady. It can also be used as a noun as well. Refer to webster's online dictionary. This will help more.

What is commonly known an ingrown toenail?


Where is the best place to get your ingrown infected toenail out?

It is recommended to seek treatment from a healthcare professional, such as a podiatrist or a doctor, for the removal of an ingrown and infected toenail. They have the expertise and tools necessary to properly diagnose and treat the condition, reducing the risk of complications or further infection.

What is the most effective treatment for an ingrown toenail?

The most effective treatment for an ingrown toenail is surgery. You need to remove the sides of the nail from the cuticle in order to stop regrowth from curling back in.

How do you draw infection from an ingrown toenail?

Evidence that a toenail is actually infected is if the toe has swelling or redness & if there is pus underneath the toenail. If the toenail is infected, you can 1). with the the blade of a finger nail clipper CAREFULLY go under the nail and try pulling it from the skin, 2). soak your foot in a pan of epsom salt mixed with hot water for about 20-30 minutes. If neither work, or if you do not want to try clipping the infected nail yourself, make an appointment with a podiatrist.

How do you cut an ingrown toenail?

take a needle go right into the the part of the toenail by the skin, lift the toenail up with the needle and take the nail clippers and cut it back. or in the front of your toenail right in the middle, cut a v shaped figure. the point of the v should be facing up the toenail. this way the toenail will grow toward each other and will prevent ingrown toenails to happen.