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they show up as 2 different things

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Q: If you have a prescription for vicodin and percocet do they show up as the same thing in a urine test?
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Does a urine drug screen show specific drugs like percocet and vicodin?

Yes it certainly does...

Is vicodin or percocet out of urine in 9 days?

y is out of your system is 3 days form when you last took it.

Do you have test Darvocet seperatly in a urine drug screen?

No Darvocet will show up as narcotics on a drug test same as Percocet or vicodin.

What is the chemical difference in the urine between Vicodan and Percocet?

Vicodin is a class 3 narcotic, with hydrocodone. Percocet is a class 2 narcotic with oxycodone, which is a much stronger narcotic derivative. The risk of addiction varies with the dosage (small), with the length of time the drug is used and the personality of the patient.

What if you take Vicodin when you run out of percocet?

If you take that in place of your percocet,and you have to take a urine test, you will show up with "Hydrocodone" in your system rather than "Oxycodone"....or both depending on how long its been since you took percocet. That might not set well with your doctor. Hope this helps.

If you have a prescription for vicodin and you have taken one before you go to take a urine analysis but bring your prescription in with you and it comes up positive will they still call it failing?

Im not sure, consult your physician or doctor about that.

Does lortab and percocet show up same in urine?

Absolutely not... Lortab is another name for vicodin, hydrocodone, or norco. Percocet or oxycodone has a different chemical make up from the lortab or vicodin. They are and can be detected separately on a U.A.

Is Vicodin tested in urine for probation?

actually. i know from experience.. it is.. my b/f took vicodin for his back pain but did not have a prescription and probation showed up at his house for a pee test.. random.. he had no idea about it and he failed because he took that and did not have a prescription for it. so yes it is tested.. he got 60 days in jail because of it.. oh ya fare warning vicodin is an opiate and it will come back as morphine on the drug test.. believe me i know..

Can urine test have codeine show up when patient was using percocet?

No it will not show up as percocet

Can the levels of percocet show up in a urine drug test?

No, and before you mess with dangerous prescription drugs, try to learn how to spell them.

Does percoset and vicoden show up as the same drug in a urine test?

It depends on the number of panels. Percocet contains oxycodone, while Vicodin contains hydrocodone. Similar drugs, but can be seperately identified depending upon the test used.

Does Percocet show in urine?

Yes most definitely !