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Q: If you have an assault charge and are arrested under the mental health act can charges still be pressed against you?
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Can a mother or father hit their child even thought he or she is no longer a minor?

No. That is assault and/or battery. Charges can be pressed for such things.

What happens to you if you get caught vandalising?

you go to jail and have charges pressed against you

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Does getting arrested and being booked and printed but no charges being pressed and then no charges are pressed terminate my Diversion?

If you mean that the charges you were arrested on were Nolle Prossed - - the answer may well depend on the judge who granted you diversion in the first place. If they learn of the arrest they may begin to consider you a "bad risk" for the lenient sentence you were given, and they could withdraw the Diversion disposition. Only the judge will be able to answer your question.

What would happen if you run over a student with your car?

You will be charged or arrested by the police with at least vehicular manslaughter in the United States of America or in Europe.------When you're charged, you're concurrently arrested... there is no arrested or charged. Vehicular manslaughter applies only when it results in a death... for non-fatal incidents, reckless driving or reckless endangerment charges would be pressed, if the driver was found to be at fault for the incident. Then there'd be a likelihood of lawsuits. However, if the driver wasn't found to be at fault, then there would be no charges pressed against them. It's all situation dependent.

What if your mom pressed charges against a 17 year old for kissing a 12 year old?

It would be considered a sexual act and 12 is below age of consent with many years so it would be sexual assault at least.

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Who pressed charges against Cole's dad in the book touching Spirit Bear?

Cole's mom.

Would a girl get suspened if she punched a guy?

Yes, a girl would get suspended if she punched a guy. Punching anyone is considered assault. Depending on the physical harm done to the person, the attacker could be expelled and have criminal charges pressed against them.

Is there a law out there for 2nd degree agree assault were wife can drop charges on husband if it the first affense?

no one u press charges they are final the person who u pressed charges on will have to answer to those charges. you might be able to drop them afterwards depending on what the judge chooses to do.

Should criminal charges be pressed against bullies if their bullying results in victims suicide?

Yes , because if the victims were not bullied they would have not committed suicide , Some thing has to be done NOW ! .

If your parents know your dating someone overage and are ok with it can charges still be pressed against them?

yes as they are still overage