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They both carried the gene for green eyes as a recessive trait.

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Q: If you have green eyes and both your parents have brown eyes what kind of trait does your parents have?
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If a child has blue eyes and both her parents have brown eyes what does that tell you about the trait for blue eyes?

That the trait for blue eyes was recessive in both parents.

Are green eyes dominant over brown eyes?

In most cases, no. If your parents give you a blue eye trait and a brown eye trait, you will most likely have brown eyes. However, there are many different alleles that factor into your eye color. That is why there are so many shades of eye color, such as blue, green, gray, brown, hazel, blue-green, etc... So, you may not always get pure blue or brown eyes, you may get a mix of both.

How did you get green eyes when both of your parents have brown eyes?

It could be genetics like if your uncle or aunt or ancestors have green eyes that could be it!!! But most likely your parents had an affair dont listen to the booohicky its genetics really if both of your parents parents had the trait ITS VERY POSSIABLE i have green eyes and my parents have blue its true it could be affair but their are cases where people are the luck of chance and redefine genetics all together...we are only part of our parents

If a child has blue eyes and both parents have brown eyess what does that tell you about the trait?

The gene for blue eyes is recessive.

What is a small piece of DNA that tells a cell how to express a trait?

DNA uses chromosomes 23 from your mom, and 23 from your dad. (46 together). If both your parents have brown eyes, there's a big chance of getting brown eyes.If both your parents have brown eyes and you get blue eyes that is a ressesive trait.

Can a child have blue eyes if both parents eyes are brown and green?

Yes, if the parents carry the gene for green eyes as a recessive gene.

If Patrick has red hair and his parents have brown hair Patrick's trait must be?

one of his parents must have the red-hair allele, but they both have brown hair so they are both hetereozygous with the dominant brown allele. Patrick's red hair is homozygous recessive

Can a brown eyed mom and a green eyed dad get a green eyed baby?

Yes, the mother with brown eyes has a second eye color potential. In biology it is called a recessive trait. She can bare children with different eye colors. By my professors account, his friends had seven children with blue eyes, and both parents had brown eyes. They say the brown eyes are the dominant trait, but it is obviously not a fact or it is not always the case. The mother in your case probably has a parent with blue or green eyes I would suspect.

Can a baby have blue eyes if both parents have brown eyes and grandparents on one side have blue and brown and on the other side have green and brown?

yes, although the likely hood chance is that it will have brown eyes as both of the parents do.

The parents of Tim have brown eyes but Tim has blue eyes so How is this possible?

Tim's parents both have the recessive trait for blue eyes but their brown eye traits are the dominant ones that show. Time must have by chance gotten both the recessive genes from his parents and no brown eye genes thus his blue eyes go without the brown taking over.

If both parents are carriers what will the child be?

When a recessive trait is inherited from both parents, it will be expressed. If the trait is hemophilia, the child will be a hemophiliac.

How can this be possible where the couple has brown eyes and the child can have blue eyes?

Blue eyes are a recessive trait, while brown eyes are dominant. If both parents are heterozygous for brown eyes, it means they both carry the recessive trait for blue eyes, and so there is a 25% chance their offspring will be blue-eyed.