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  • Genetic Scientists have found that if second cousins marry then there is a much lower risk that any children they may have will not be mentally challenged or have any other birth defects.
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Q: If you have kids with your second cousin would they be mentally challenged?
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Can a non mentally challenged person divorce a mentally challenged mate?

Yes, a person who is not mentally challenged can divorce a person who is mentally challenged would have to be proven they are mentally challenged), but they would have to let the courts decide in the provisions of the divorce what you would pay to help sustain the lifestyle of the mentally challenged person.

What is the meaning of 'mentally challenged'?

"Mentally challenged" is a euphemism for mentally retarded, or having a low IQ or mental disabilities this means that someone who would be mentally challenged wouldn't do as well as their classmates. when your not physically disabled (wheelchair)

Would someone with an IQ of 60 be considered mentally retarded?

Most states would consider that to be mentally challenged.

What relationship would my 1st cousin's child be to my child?

Second cousin.

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Your half second cousin's son would be your second cousin once removed.

What is your child to your cousin?

Your child would be the second cousin to your cousin.

Are there such things as second cousins?

Yes. Your second cousin would be your cousin's son or daughter. This is different from a niece or nephew because a nephew would be your sister's/brother's son.

Who would be your second cousin twice removed?

Your second cousin, twice removed, is the grandchild of your second cousin (the great great grandchild of your great aunt or great uncle) or the second cousin of your grandparent.

Is the correct term for mentally challenged retarded?

In the u.k the word "retarded" would be seen as quite offensive. We use terms such as "mental impairment/having a learning difficulty/cognitive disability". However, through different research, in response to your question, I have heard the term "mentally challenged" and "mentally retarded".

What would you call a cousin's son?

Your cousin's son is your cousin, once removed. For example, if your cousin is a second cousin, the son is your second cousin, once removed.

What would your cousin's grandson be to you?

Your first cousin's grandson is your first cousin, twice removed. Your second cousin's grandson is your second cousin, twice removed.

What is the relationship of a granddaughter to a cousin's granddaughter?

Your first cousin's daughter is first cousin once removed to your grandson, and he to her. Your second cousin's daughter is second cousin once removed to your grandson, and he to her.