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It all depends on your skill as an actor and your fit for the role. If you are an amazing undiscovered actor who can play Max perfectly, then there's a possibility that you will get the job. You just audition like every other actress.

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Q: If you have no prior acting experience what are your chances of becoming max in the Maximum Ride movie?
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What are the chances of becoming a professional actor?

If there is anything else that you would be happy doing, do it. Acting = unemployment and unemployment is devastating. DEVASTATING!

What are the chances of becoming a professional actress?

If you are willing to take the time, effort, and is so pasionate about this then you CAN do it. Let NO ONE bring you down. I have to admit it is a rough place but if you are truly in love with acting you can overcome it. So, to me the chances are whatever you make them. GOOD LUCK!

You submitted yourself to and agency If you have been you a few plays and a community acting class what are your chances you will get an interview?

Having experience of some kind, including the ones you mentioned, definitely works in your favor compared to someone with no experience. It isn't a guarantee that you'll get interviewed but your experience will put you ahead of the competition.

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What do currently

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Hary potter had no experience when he started.

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Acting is about becoming the character you've been asigned and telling a story that the crowd can understand.

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The experience helps. If you are really interested in acting, continue on to going to a college of arts. Sign up for things. Put yourself out there.

How do you get started in acting with no experience?

Get some experience! Take an acting class or two to hone your skills, learn a monologue and a song, and get started auditioning.

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no, you don't need any experience

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yes. You don't have to have experience, because they teach you.

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