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Q: If you have patellar clunk syndrome after a total knee replacement how can you ease the symptoms without further surgery?
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Are there different types of AIDS?

No,AIDS is not a disease, it is a syndrome( group of symptoms). So you can not classify AIDS further. ,

Where can one find information about Ramsey?

Ramsey Hunt Syndrome is the result of the Herpes virus. Symptoms include rashes and paralysis in the face. Further information can be found on web md.

How To Recognize Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome can be extremely hard to diagnose as it shares several symptoms with other diseases and conditions including, among others, the rare lupus, depression and the devastating multiple sclerosis. The situation is also further complicated by the fact that there are various medications that, when taken for an extended period of time, bring about symptoms that are disturbingly similar to those associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. In an attempt to ensure that chronic fatigue syndrome is not misdiagnosed, the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) has listed two requirements that need to be fulfilled before a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome can be made. These requirements are, firstly, a previously-unexperienced and presently inexplicable sense of extreme fatigue that accompanies everything that a person does and, secondly, at least four of a given list of related symptoms. These specified four - or more - symptoms must, furthermore, have been experienced for at least six months. The CDC has gone on to list those symptoms that are most commonly associated with confirmed cases of chronic fatigue syndrome, and the best way to recognize the syndrome is therefore to compare a list of suspected symptoms to the list of predetermined symptoms and see if there’s a match. The predetermined list of symptoms includes such things as multiple-joint pain, sore throat and muscle pain, and, given the general nature of these symptoms, it can easily be seen why the syndrome is so often misdiagnosed. Further symptoms on the CDC’s hit-list include impaired concentration, lymph nodes that are painful to the touch and unusual headaches. There are also several symptoms that have been identified in a significant number of cases but not in enough cases to warrant inclusion on the CDC’s list. These related symptoms include such things as irritable bowel syndrome - which is a nasty condition all by itself - sensitivity to bright light and regular bouts of dizziness. Further sub-symptoms - which may or may not indicate the presence of CFS - include food allergies, panic attacks and night chills. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition and is especially insidious when remaining undiagnosed for long periods of time.

I think that I might have some mold symptoms. Where can I go to further educated myself on this issue?

You can further educate yourself on mold systems by going to WebMD. That website offers you a list of symptoms and causes of mold infection and treatments.

Does marijuana give further complications to hepatitis a?

No. It may in fact relieve any symptoms you may have.

What are the signs of advanced hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome?

further chemical derangements, with associated confusion, hallucinations, seizures, and lung complications.

What are some symptoms of Rosacea?

The most common symptoms of Rosacea are flushing (blushing easily), super sensitive facial skin, persistent redness, and blemishes and spots. If you have these symptoms please consult your health care provider for further information.

How is EDS treated?

Medical therapy relies on managing symptoms and trying to prevent further complications. There is no cure for EDS

What is the Stockhausen syndrome?

I suppose you mean "Stockholm syndrome". When hostages fervently try to help their captors due to fear of death. Since their reasoning is mostly disabled, their cooperation/help goes a lot further than uninvolved people would expect.

What is Eisenhower syndrome?

There is no widely recognized medical condition called "Eisenhower syndrome." It is possible that you may be referring to "Ehlers-Danlos syndrome," which is a group of genetic disorders that affect the connective tissues in the body. However, without further context or information, it is difficult to provide a more accurate explanation.

How much will it cost to replace a window?

The cost of the window replacement will vary considerably depending upon the size and the brand of the window. Further, installation of the replacement window is extra and will also add to the cost, unless you can install it yourself.

How do people get morquio syndrome?

both parents with a family history of the disease pass a defective gene to the child before they are born