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Q: If you have ruled Japan for many years and now you are very old but very wise. What advice do you give to the person you have selected to be the next Shogun?
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Why did the shogun rule Japan?

the shogun conquered the emperor and gained rule on japan

Did shogun rule japan?

the shogun conquered the emperor and gained rule on Japan

What mean shogunato?

The Shogunato is a political system in Japan that was governed by a single person. This person was called the Shogun.

What does the word shogun mean in Japan?

In feudal Japan the Shogun was the military dictator of Japan. It means literally "commander of a force". It is equivalent to a Commander in Chief.

What was the Shogun and why was he important?

The word "Shogun" is an archaic term meaning "the Emperor of Japan."

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The Tokugawa Bakufu was ruled by a shogun, or military leader. The government of Meiji Japan was led by an Emperor.

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Who was the Shogun in Japan?

Minamoto Yoritomo

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See: Shogun

What is a minamoto yoritomo?

Minamoto yoritomo was the first ever shogun in japan

How many shoguns were there at a time?

There were many daimyo and many samurai under the shogun, but only ONE shogun.Occasionally the former shoguns would consult or rule "behind the scenes," but the title of shogun went to one person at a time.