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First you need to get them comfortable sitting on your hand. To get them used to your hand, get a chair and sit next to the cage while holding your arm in their cage. Mice are naturally curious and after awhile (maybe a few sessions) they will come out and sniff at your hand. They may even put their paws on your hand or climb it! Once they are happy doing this, pick them up gently (not by their tail!) and hold them in your hand. It is now when you can start taming them separately. Take them out of the cage one at a time and hold one in your hand (maybe patting him/her gently) then swap the mice and do the same for the other. Do this regually (everyday) and soon your mice will be tame!

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Q: If you have two mice that are scared of you how do you tame them one at a time?
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If you put a wild mouse with a tame mouse will the wild one become more tame?

The mice are very likely to fight and kill each other. Also, the wild mouse could have diseases which it could pass on to the tame mouse.

Will the babies your female mouse had be tame or hurt her since they must be wild as you have no males?

Ah. You're lucky. You're baby mice will be as tame as mom, maybe even more, but smarter and healthier. They'll live longer. This is what usually happens with nearly all domestic wild hybrid. Most 'tame' or pet store mice are from a 'tame' stock bred to be more docile and for appearance and color. If one were to breed with a wild house mouse the offspring would have the potenial to be 'wilder' but if raised as pet mice would probably be as docile as pet any other pet mice. Some species of completely wild Field Mice are almost as docile as pet mice from the first time they are handled so wild doesn't automatically denote aggression it really dnt matter i guess cuz they all nasty

What animal besides a mice is scared of a cat?

Rats birds chinchillas kangaroo rats and other rodents and small animals besides the ferret because ferrets can kill a full grown human with one bit but they don't have Poisson in their body so cats are scared of ferrets

Can you release a litter of mice that are half tame and half wild?

Yes, but if you could get some one to take them as pets, that would be better.

Can a pet mouse be scared to death?

Yes mice can be scared to death as one of my pet mice was scared to death when my cat got it. My cat got it out of its cage and shook it around , but i believe that the mouse died of shock before the cat harmed it.

When was Tame One born?

Tame One was born in 1971.

What are some stereotypes of mice?

Some stereotypes of mice include being timid, sneaky, and resourceful. They are often depicted as small and cute but also seen as pests that carry diseases. Additionally, mice are sometimes portrayed as clever and intelligent in popular culture.

Change mare to colt only changing one letter at a time?

ANSWER tame wild

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Which one? - River Tame - Greater Manchester River Tame - West Midlands River Tame - North Yorkshire

Have mice had adaptaion's over time?

Mice certainly have had adaptations over time. The fact that mice breed so often and produce so many young is one example of an adaptation.

Do mice have more then one baby at a time?

yes but it is not healthy

What are the behaviors of mice?

Typically, mice will spend most of the day sleeping, but you can wake them up anytime. When they are awake, they'll eat, clean themselves, and run around or spend time whit you if they are tamed. When babies are present, the mom will feed the babies good, you can have a female "helper" mouse (one that has lived with the mom before and don't fight). While only the mom can feed the babies, they both make sure that the little ones are kept warm. You can often observe the "helper" mouse covering up openings in the nest. Mice are very curious, and likes to explore "the world". You can always tame a mouse. How tame it gets depends very much on how the temperament on the parents are. When a mouse gets scared, it wags the tail up and down very fast. Don't come close to it when it's scared, wait until it's calmed down. When a mouse is exploring, it drags back the ear and almost "crawl". When the mouse is "shaking" and gives away a vibrating sound, it's calmed and this is a sign that your mouse can get very tamed. You can compare this to when a cat is spinning. It's the same thing.