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Go to confession

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Q: If you haven't been to church in a long time what do you need to do to take communion?
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If a child is baptised in an Episcopalian church make his or her First Communion?

As long as the child is validly baptized, and meets the other requirements, he may make his first Holy Communion.

Can a 10 year old receive his First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church if he was not baptized in the Catholic Church?

Of course, as long as he has received a valid baptism.

Can a catholic be present in church while a non-catholic service is sharing communion wafer as long as they do not partake?


How long is the shelf life of the communion wafer?

Most church suppliers list the shelf life as one year.

Can Catholic women take Communion after she marries?

As long as she is married under canonical laws--the laws of the Catholic Church--absolutely. If she is married outside the Catholic Church, she may worship and receive a blessing at each Mass, but not receive Holy Communion unless her marriage has been validated by the Church. Without knowing further information, there are ways for her to have her marriage validated...she should speak to her Priest for further guidance.

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How old do you have to be to bea godparent?

as long as you are single or are married by the catholic church and you have all of your sacraments done ( first Communion, conformation,)

Can a Catholic accept communion at a Presbyterian church?

Under no circumstances or for any reason should a Catholic even pretend to participate in a Presbyterian "Communion service". To do so is to imply a) that you believe as they do, and b) that you are in communion with them. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you do not understand what is involved in Holy Communion in a Catholic Church as opposed to a Presbyterian, I would recommend that you make an appointment with your priest and have a good, long chat with him, the sooner the better!

What was Anne Boleyn Catholic or Protestant?

As her marriage to Henry VIII was central to his split from the Catholic Church, she would have been Catholic, not having lived long enough to have become Protestant.she was a Protestant!! Both she and Henry VIII were Catholics as was (and is) the Church of England they were just not in communion with Rome.

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who knows, they havent been out in a long time.

Is communion symbolic of the Passover?

Communion is an invention of the Catholic Church. What is commonly referred to as Communion in the Bible is in fact Passover. Jesus expected His disciples to keep the Passover. "As long as you eat this (Passover) bread and drink this (Passover) cup you do show the Lord's death until He comes."

What is necessary for full communion into the Church?

Attending a Catechism class at your local parish for however long they request (usually 1-2 years); then Baptism (if you aren't Baptized), Confirmation, and First Holy Communion at Easter Vigil.