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maybe don't know you should try it sometime.

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Q: If you inhale a bee while smelling roses will you die?
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Is bee killer dangerous to inhale?

Yes, Bee Killer is dangerous to inhale.

What type of petals is the bee attracted to?


Does a dead bee attract other bees?


Should you bee smelling your aunty panty?

No, you should never be smelling your aunty's panty regardless if you are male or female. Many men do it because they have a strange fascination with underwear but it is not normal.

What is the difference between a messy bee and a bed it a joke?

The difference between a messy bee and a bed it a joke is that the bed bee talks about a bee and the bed while the messy bee joke does not.

Does a rose produce nectar?

Most modern ornamentals, such as hybrid roses, no longer produce enough pollen and nectar. For the best bee lures, old-fashioned varieties or your grandma's wild roses are still hard to beat.

What vibrates while a bee is flying?

It's sting

I got stung by a thorny plant any idea what it could be?

Well Stung Might not be a plant maybe there was a bee on the plant that made you get stung. But Roses are a thorny plant.

How do honey bee's make bee hives?

They first find bees to help them and then they find a queen bee the queen lays the eggs to make the hives while some bees make the hive and some comfort the queen bee.

Is a honeybee a reptile?

Yes, honeybees are invertebrates because they do not have spines.

How is a bee like snow?

Once the bee stings, it takes a while for the wounds to heal, also, people hate bees and snow.

Is it possible for a bee's stinger to be activated a while after it is dead?

After a honey bee has stung you, the bee separates from the barb (stinger) and dies. The barb remains in your skin and continues to pump venom until you remove it.