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Not likely. However, that person you kissed better get some antibiotics or it will spread throughout his/her system causing some major health problems.

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Q: Is it safe to kiss someone with tooth infection?
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Is it safe if the dentist said to wait three days until your next appointment to take a prophylaxis antibiotic to pull an abscessed tooth?

I would not wait to take an antibiotic for an abcess tooth! If you get the tooth pulled with the infection still in are in for one rude awakening when he attempts to pull that tooth!

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Should you have spine surgery if your tooth is infected?

no but i would recommend going to the dentist

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Tooth extraction is it safe to use epsom salts after the tooth was extracted?

It is not recommended to use Epsom salts after a tooth extraction without the guidance of a dental professional. It is important to follow the post-extraction instructions provided by the dentist, which usually involve gentle rinsing with a saline solution or prescribed mouthwash to aid in healing and prevent infection.

Is it safe to extract tooth during menstrual period?

Yes it is very safe

Does it cause any problems inside of you after you have swallowed a tooth?

A tooth is not toxic in itself, but a tooth sometimes has had cavities filled with a substance called amalgam, which contains mercury and is therefore not safe to swallow. So, it depends on the tooth. Some are safe to swallow, some are not.

When is it safe to remove swellen tooth?

Tooth extraction is not recommended if the gum area around the specific tooth is swollen. This means there might be an infection in the area and tooth removal can only worsen it. Visit your dentist as soon as possible. If you currently don't have a dentist, call 877-639-0820. It's a free service that would assist you in finding the right dentist based on your needs, insurance (if you have one) and the affordability.

How do you get a toothache?

It is mainly caused by problems in the tooth, gums, or jaw, such as cavities, gum disease, emerging of the third molar (wisdom tooth), a cracked tooth, infected pulp, jaw diseases, or exposed root. Often, this is achieved by poor oral hygiene, a natural growth among the teeth, or someone blows a punch on you. Mostly pain is because of the swelling of the blood vessels due to the viral infection, tooth sensitivity, or due to a third molar. Often dentists recommend Mefenamic Acid along with Antibiotics such as Amoxicillin both in 500mg. For pain killers dentists often recommend the safe Ibuprofen in 500mg.

Is it safe to have tooth extracted in first trimester?

Yes it is.

Is Tooth FX: Black safe for use on toddlers?

Tooth FX: Black is not recommended for use on toddlers.

Is it safe to drink alcohol if you have an infection?