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If you took the pills incorrectly and missed a period, you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to find out. If it's negative, consider changing to a method that's easier for you to use reliably.

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Q: If you misss your period and ive forgot to take a birth contorl pill does this mean im pregnant?
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How will i know i am pregnant while i am on birth contorl?

if ur monthly cycle stop or delayed wait for some days if mensuration doesnt occur then consult a doctor

Will birth control force you to get your period even when you're pregnant?

No it will not. If you become pregnant, you will most likey not get a period, even if you are on birth control.

Forgot one month of birth control pills no period?

Ask your doctor

Can you get pregnant on your period if you use birth control?

No. Birth control will prevent pregnancy.

Does birth control still work when you are on your period?

Yes but you dont get pregnant on your period even without birth control.

Will birth control cause a withdrawal period even if you are pregnant?

You get a withdrawal period AFTER you go off birth control.

If you stop taking your birth control because you think you're pregnant should you get your period?

If you're pregnant, then you won't get your period

Can a girl get pregnant right after her period is finished?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant directly after her period. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

Is it possible when you give birth can you child already be pregnant?

No. You have to have your period to become pregnant and you have to have a male figure

Can you get pregnant on your period and just started taking birth control pills?

If you had sex it is possible you are pregnant. The chance of getting pregnant on your period, while taking BCP is quite small.

Can you be pregnant on birth control when you get your period?

If you conceived on birth control you would not get your period or would receive a very unusual period for you. If you suspect pregnancy, perform a pregnancy test.

If your on birth control and you get pregnant will you still get your period because of the hormones or will you not get your period like a regular pregnancy?

If you are pregnant you will not have any periods until after the child is born.