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No. Fish DNA is different than human and a person can not survive if that happened. Think about it does it make sense that a person can be part fish and part human ? Why not part cat or dog? If you think about this logically you know that people can not become another thing or creature.Mermaids are not real as well, so you want to be something that doesn't exist. Think. If you want to pretend you are a mermaid go buy a costume.

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No, that cannot happen.

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not that the public knows of

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Q: If you mixed your DNA with a fishes DNA can you turn into a mermaid and then turn back into your errenalal self?
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What does it mean when a fish lays the dorsal fin back?

It usually means the fish is sickening for something. It should be taken as a signal by the fishes owner to do a few major water changes ASAP.

What is vertebrates and invertebrates fish?

It is more the other way around, in that the question is better asked as, "How many fish are categorized as vertebrates". The answer to that question would be "almost all fish are vertebrates". Because most all fish do have vertebral columns (backbones/spines), internal skeletons, brains and central nervous systems located in craniums (heads) with sensory organs at the fore sections of their bodies. There are some non-bony fish, like hagfish, that are classified sometimes as invertebrates by some, but more often are classified as vertebrates even though they do not have backbones. They could technically be invertebrates. But they have the other characteristics of vertebrates and a very close genetic make up to lampreys, that are vertebrates.

Can ducks do back flips?

even though it may sound weird there are only some fishes are unable to swim backwards. i have experienced this many times seeing fishes burst into a speed then suddenly stops and kick in the reverse gear. weird but cool

Are memaids real?

There is no documented proof that they actually exist. They are mythical creatures. answer yes, they do exist and i should know becuase i am one. when i was six i went in the sea for the first time and a chemical in that sea turned me into a mermaid. i am fluent in fish language and know lots of things about the sea, like how the flow of the waves are created by sea creatures swimming and that coral is used in chocolate. i live on land half the time as i have a special necklace that allows me to transform into a mermaid and back and no one at my school knows i am one. i am falling in love with a land boy and i know if i am not in the water by sunset i will die! emmalina seacoral

Do fishes fins or tails grow back if bitten off?

It is quite possible for a fish to regrow damaged and/or torn fins provided that you catch it early enough. The key to this is very clean tank water, very regular water changes, along with the use of water conditioner, aquarium salt, and items such as Melafix and Pimafix.

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Why does a stingray have fishes on its back?

It doesnt....

How do you become a mermaid and turn back?

you cant at all

What was called a mermaid back before?

a type of mammal

Does King Triton use his power to let Ariel turn into a mermaid in The Little Mermaid 2 Return to the Sea?

he does turn Ariel back into a mermaid so that she may go look for melody in the sea but she turns back into a human at the end of the movie

How to become a mermaid and when your a mermaid cant you change back to a person that has feet?

it is very hard to do that frist you need to become a mermaid who can change back on a full moon you go out to the sea swim strait in till u find a flower then bring it under water and then come back up look at the moon and point the flower to it and say that u would like to become a full mermaid then once the moon is down u will become a full mermaid.

What do you do if you turned into a mermaid and you want to change back?

go to ursala

Will Disney buy back the original Little Mermaid case?


Is aireals beginning the first little mermaid movie?

Heck no. You go back in time in that movie, but the first movie is "The Little Mermaid".

Charmed - In what episode is Phoebe a mermaid?

A Witch's Tail is the one where she turns into a mermaid, but she doesn't turn back until the next episode ;)

What are fishes defenses?

the skate's defense is the thorns on its back (throns are located on its back and tail)

What happens if a fishes scales fall off?

They grow them back.

There were 3 fishes the first fish said there are 2 fishes behind the third fish said there are 2 fishes in front the middile one said there are 2 fishes in font of me and 2 at the back Why?

the third fish was lieing. the three fish were in a circle