

If you never got around to it who would pick your nose?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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i do get around to it.

but I'll pick it for freeeee.


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Q: If you never got around to it who would pick your nose?
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You can pick your nose bigger then your other one

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Can you pick your nose in school?

You shouldn't pick your nose anywhere. It nasty and wrong.

Why is it a temptation to pick your nose?

It is temptation becausepeople pick their nose because they are bored

You pick your nose?


What does it mean to pick your nose?

no-------------Yes and no. Picking your nose can lead to addictions, nose bleeds, red nostrils, and embarrassment. If you want to pick your nose, then do it in secret. Also, don't pick too hard, because it can stress your nostrils.

How can you prevent nose bleeds?

Don't pick your nose.

Why can you pick your nose and pick your friends but you can not pick your friend's nose?

Picking Noses (Not That Kind of Picking)Before the advent of plastic surgery, there was a time when people could not pick their noses in the same way they could pick their friends. Now, because of plastic surgery, not only can people pick their friends, they can pick their noses too! They can even pick their friends noses, right out of a catalog, if their friends are so inclined to change their nose and value a friends decision on what nose should be picked. In the past, people had a much harder time picking their noses. Peter Piper, for example, who in ages gone by, picked a peck of pickled peppers, never picked his nose, nor did he pick his friends, all poor Peter picked was a peck of pickled peppers.

If you pick your nose will it grow big?

No, you would have to insert something in your nose (not recomended!) and leave it there to stretch the skin to make your nose grow bigger - you cannot alter the size or shape of your nose by just picking it

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