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there will be uncoupling between oxidation of reducing equivalents and production of oxidation will continue to take place but NO ATP will be produced.

this means that all the energy is lost as heat.

this is because for ATP production a constant gradient of Hydrogen ions needs to be there....this is maintained as a result of non permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane to hydrogen ions.

when u poke a hole, it can cause leakage of H ions and the gradient is lost against whoich when H ions are pumped, its kinetic energy rotates the ATP motor( Fo particle) .

hope u understood....this uncoupling takes place in brown fat. so people with brown fat can eat more but the fat doesnt get deposited.

also some drugs cause uncoupling by increasing the permeability of the mitochondrial membrane this has the same affect as though creating a hole in it.

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Q: If you poke a hole in a mitochondrion can it still carry out oxidative respiration?
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If no light if available how can a plant make ATP?

Plants still go through cellular respiration, which requires only glucose molecules, not sunlight. In cellular respiration, the mitochondria in plant cells go through glycolysis, the Kreb's (Citric Acid) Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation to create from 36 to 38 ATP.

Which process release energy from glucose?

Glycolysis is the first pathway involved in the breakdown of glucose. It produces 2 ATP per glucose molecule. The Krebs Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation together make up oxidative respiration and synthesize the bulk of ATP in the human body.

What is a mitochdrion?

Mitochondrion is the singular of mitrochondria. The mitochondria are in most cells (plant and animal cells all have them, some prokaryotes don't) They are the site of respiration. The mitochondria is sometimes referred to as "the powerhouse of the cell". It takes glucose molecules and breaks them down to produce carbod dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP, or Adenosine Tri-Phosphate. It directs cellular respiration.

If a cell has no oxygen what stages of aerobic cellular respiration can still run?

I believe it can only do Glycolysis.

True or false anaerobic respiration can occur without oxygen whereas aerobic respiration can occur only in the presence of oxygen?

True, aerobic respiration will result in a net gain of 36 ATP molecules once the entire process of cellular respiration has been completed. Even in anaerobic respiration there is still a release of 2 ATP molecules.

Related questions

Is Mitochondrion found in both plant and animal cells?

Yes. Though plant cells use photosynthesis to create glucose, they still must use cellular respiration in mitochondria to produce ATP.

If no light if available how can a plant make ATP?

Plants still go through cellular respiration, which requires only glucose molecules, not sunlight. In cellular respiration, the mitochondria in plant cells go through glycolysis, the Kreb's (Citric Acid) Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation to create from 36 to 38 ATP.

Which process release energy from glucose?

Glycolysis is the first pathway involved in the breakdown of glucose. It produces 2 ATP per glucose molecule. The Krebs Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation together make up oxidative respiration and synthesize the bulk of ATP in the human body.

What is a mitochdrion?

Mitochondrion is the singular of mitrochondria. The mitochondria are in most cells (plant and animal cells all have them, some prokaryotes don't) They are the site of respiration. The mitochondria is sometimes referred to as "the powerhouse of the cell". It takes glucose molecules and breaks them down to produce carbod dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP, or Adenosine Tri-Phosphate. It directs cellular respiration.

What types of Cells carry out cellular respiration?

Mitochondria are the organelles responsible for carrying out cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells. They contain enzymes that facilitate the various steps of cellular respiration, where glucose is broken down to produce ATP, which is the main energy source for the cell.

How does cellular respiration release energy?

Cellular respiration is a metabolic process that involves breaking down glucose molecules into smaller units to produce energy in the form of ATP. This process occurs in multiple steps, starting with glycolysis in the cytoplasm, followed by the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. Through these steps, energy is released gradually and stored in ATP molecules for cellular functions.

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No, anaerobes do not require oxygen to survive, for they do not carry out cellular respiration with oxygen as the final electron acceptor. Rather, they typically carry out either fermentation or anaerobic respiration, which requires no oxygen, but still provides a small amount of energy.

What is a pig's normal respiration rate?

A pig's normal respiration rate is between 20 and 40 breaths per minute. This respiration rate is normal for pigs that are still eating and growing.

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Oxidative Phosphorylation

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Why do plant cells need to do cellular respiration if they can make ATP from sunlight?

Plants make ATP through cellular respiration. Photosynthesis, which requires sunlight, does not make ATP - but glucose - which is then converted to ATP by cellular respiration. Therefore plants still need respiration to make ATP.

What is anaerobic respiration in bacteria?

Anaerobic respiration a form of respiration using electron acceptors other than oxygen. Many anaerobic organisms can respire only using anaerobic compounds and will die in the presence of oxygen.