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Plants still go through cellular respiration, which requires only glucose molecules, not sunlight. In cellular respiration, the mitochondria in plant cells go through glycolysis, the Kreb's (Citric Acid) Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation to create from 36 to 38 ATP.

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Q: If no light if available how can a plant make ATP?
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How do plants get energy from light?

Light excites ATP synthase in the membrane of plant cells.

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What are the reactants of the Dark Reaction?

Carbon, ATP and NADPH

What is the the role of cellular respiration in a plant?

To make ATP.

Do plant cells produce ATP during photosynthesis?

yesYes,ATP is produced in the light reaction. These are utilized in the dark reaction

Where do plant cells get the energy they need to make ATP?


Why do plant cells need to do cellular respiration if they can make ATP from sunlight?

Plants make ATP through cellular respiration. Photosynthesis, which requires sunlight, does not make ATP - but glucose - which is then converted to ATP by cellular respiration. Therefore plants still need respiration to make ATP.

What will happen to photosynthesis if ther is no light?

it wouldn't do any good because ATP is the energy that the plant needs. bc photosynthesis also requires ATP to function, eventually it would deplete its own ATP stores

If you put a plant in the dark will it still be able to make ATP?

Yes. In fact, this happens every night to every plant on the planet that isn't under artificial lighting. The plant oxidizes sugar to make ATP at night, powering its metabolic processes.

How do plant cells use photosynthesis to produce food?

Photosynthesis is a two part process. The first part is the light dependent reaction and it needs light. Light energy is used to make ATP (which takes place in the membrane of the thylakoid). The second part is the Calvin cycle/ light independent reaction and it doesnt need light. It uses the ATP that was made in the light dependent reaction to make glucose (which takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast). Glucose is the food.

Are mitochdria found in plant cells animal cells or both?

Both plant and animal cells contain mitochondria for the synthesis of ATP. Animals eat food to get the material that is used in ATP synthesis and plant make the material used in ATP synthesis through the process of photosynthesis.

What does chloralplast do in a plant cell?

chloroplast are only in plant cells, they use photosynthesis to make ATP which is energy for the cell.