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if you got pricked by the needle and the needle was then used by a person positive with AIDS

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Q: If you poked a needle can you receive aids?
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Can drug users get AIDS?

Yes through sex and if needles are involved through the use of another users needle. A bit of blood is in the used needle and this will have AIDS if a person has AIDS.

Do leaf bugs sting?

no, they do not. If they did, it would probably be harmless but a little sharp. Like getting poked with a needle

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The girl's sight wasn't as good as it used to be because she got poked in the eye with a needle.

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A piece of tape on a rubber balloon acts as a reinforcement so the rubber does not rip when poked by a needle in the tape.

Why do you faint when only when your left arm gets poked with a needle?

that is not the only reason for fainting and most people dont faint from that

Can you get AIDS during a random blood test if the needle is not changed?

yea if the person before you has aids or STD

You poked yourself with the needle that your husband who has hepatitis c used for intramuscular injection Would you get infected?

If you were poked with a needle used by someone with hepatitis c, you need to be tested. There is probably a low likelihood that you were infected, but there is a chance. Please see your primary care doctor or go to an urgent care and asked to be tested, just in case.

How do men receive aids from women?

The most common way people receive AIDS is from having sexual intercourse with some already carrying AIDS in there body.

Can a needle be reused on same person?

only to test if your immune to aids.......... and crack

What if you receive an unsolicited yahoo chat request?

you... have... AIDS?

What if not sterile needle for belly button piercing?

If the needle isn't sterile and you are the only one to use it, you could get an infection. If the needle isn't sterile and other people have used it, you could get an infection or diseases as bad as AIDS

How a person gets infected with AIDS?

Receive it from an infected person.