

Best Answer

i believe so.
you are very out of luck my good friend.
i apologize.
your baby shall either suffer from dwarfism or be a fish.
i am deeply depressed about this topic. goodbye.

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Q: If you quit smoking pot a month before your due date will it still show up in your newborns system?
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How long can marijuana be detected in new growth after you quit smoking?

I do believe after one month of smoking marijuana it will clear out of your system but I also believe it depends on how long you were smoking tge marijuana for.

How much is smoking cost a month?

depends on price of cigerettes or cigars you are smoking a month

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every sixth Tuesday of the month

Do cigarette's affect the time period marijuana stays in your system?

No. Frequency if smoking marihuana does. Smoking a few times a month it will be in your system for about 30 days after last consumption. Frequent use can make it stay for 90 days or longer.

If i have been smoking for over 6 years how long will it stay in my system?

First of all we all know it stays in your system for a month so why ask its the same

What is a for sure way to clear weed out your system after you quit a month ago?

i stopped smoking weed a month ago and would like to clear toxins out of my system how long does these toxins stay in my system after i quit. Especially in order for my to pass an employment drug test.

How long does afghan marijuana stay in your system after 6 hits?

Less than a month. Smoking more often than that stays in your system for 30 days, so 6 hits is nothing.

Smoking pot everyday how long to exit system?

It can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks to leave your system, depending on your height and body weight. So, around a month is a safe bet.

Is smoking weed bad for you if your one month pregnant?

It can cause harm to the fetus. I had a miscarriage from smoking.

You are an eight month pregnant and you want to know if you quit smoking marjauna now will your baby have weed in its system when it is born?

8 months into a 9 month pregnancy is, I think, a bit late to start to consider the problem.

If i smoked very little marijuana one month ago will i test positive in a blood test?

Smoking marijuana an month ago, you can be test, and find positive. Marijuana stay in your system about 28 to 31 days

What are some of the effects of smoking weed once a month?

You will have a great time Once a month!!