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Q: If you roll a ball down a hill will the ball eventually stop by its own?
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Sport that has a letter z in it?

There is a sport where you get in a ball and roll down a hill its called Zorb ball.

A ball roll down the hill and hits a box the momentum of the ball decreases which happen to the momentum?

It is converted to Inertia I think.

What force causes a bowling ball to roll down the hill?

No. Speed and force cause a bowling ball to roll down a lane. Friction may cause a bowling ball to change course on a lane though, and also slow it down.

What are two forces that could cause a ball to roll down hill?

Gravity and Air resistance!! x

How far different size ball will roll if they are let go at the same spot on a hill?

If two round objects roll down a hill, the one with the greater mass will roll faster. If they are dropped they will fall at the same rate.

Can a pancake roll down a hill?

A pancake can roll down a hill. The possibility of it is unlikely but it is possible.

Does the surface of a hill effect how fast a ball will roll down it?

Ir probably goes down faster if its heavier. If the ball was as light as a balloon, would it go faster? OF course not. So, a heavy ball would go MUCH faster down a hill.

What keeps a ball moving downhill?

There is always gravity that is pulling the ball down. Therefore, the ball will roll until another force is acted upon it.. Like when the hill ends.

Does a golf ball go faster as you increase the slope of a ramp?

In other words, does a golf ball roll faster up a hill? No obviously not. It would roll faster down a slope, it's called gravity.

How are lava balls similar to snow balls?

a snow ball is a ball of compacted snow that grows as you roll it down a snowy hill. well its the same with a lava ball, but with snow instead.

Will a ball with less or heavier mass go further?

Normally, a ball with more mass would roll faster down a hill, but, it will go slower when kicked or rolled.

Why are celebrities bad roll models?

Because you roll them down a hill